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单词 essential 例句大全,用单词essential造句:

I often have stomached and abdomen pain, which kind of essential oil can reduce this problem
Obviously, arranges the class algorithm the accuracy, highly effective is extremely essential.
Olive oil is used to absorb the essential oils which are then separated from the fat by alcohol.
Two issues deserving particular attention were agricultural reform and access to essential drugs.
The national dialogue that has begun is essential for reconciliation and political accommodation.
Rural and poor urban women, in particular, lack access to essential obstetrics and emergency care.
The standard of accomplishment of crime should be crime constitution essential factors completion.
Accurate electrocardiogram beat classification is essential for automated detection of arrhythmias.
A balance is possible between environmental protection and the essential will to achieve development.
Except from lavender essential oil to wash clothes, are there any other essential oil that can be used
除了薰衣草精华油可以用来洗衣服, 还有其他选择吗?
Nevertheless, its completeness and accuracy are essential for the success of established sanctions measures.
然而, 既定的制裁措施要取得成功, 完整性和精确性是必要的。
Essential oils, perfumery isolates and synthetics for export. determination of total alcohos. acetylation method.
We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.
It is essential that Member States assist and cooperate in the arrest and transfer of accused who remain at large.
Legal protection for domestic workers is essential to guarantee their enjoyment of the most essential human rights.
It is absolutely essential that countries do not squander these precious resources through poorly targeted measures.
Study on the production of ambrette seed absolute THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF THE ESSENTIAL OIL FROM AMBRETTE SEEDS.
It is essential that seam allowances are extremely accurate, and that the ends of each folded in the following order.
You should plan to achieve a real mastery of a few Essential Skills , which are spelled out in the attached document.
Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women is essential to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
Analysis of Logical Link in the Theory of Distribution According to work and That According to Essential Factors of Production
Rhythm, one of the most essential elements of music, and usually conspicuous by its absence in amateur playing, is emphasised throughout.
节奏作为音乐中最重要的元素之一, 自始至终都是重点。
Analysis with the Relation between the Distribution According to Work and the Distribution According to the Essential Factors of Production
of this particular device to the enemy, because it's imperative the enemy not get their hands on this absolutely essential piece of technology.
一个字 因为这么重要的设备的情报 绝对不能落入敌人之手
Well I think that we should always call matter time matter or matter of time so that we never for a moment forget its essential temporality and essential changefulness.

单词 essential 释义

  • 单词释义:基本的;必不可少的  [更多..]



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