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单词 evacuate 例句大全,用单词evacuate造句:

The blazes have destroyed hundreds of homes and forced thousands of people to evacuate.
An oil refinery caught fire and residents near a nuclear reactor were forced to evacuate.
一家炼油厂起火, 核反应堆附近的居民被迫疏散。
It has forced politicians to think again about the wisdom of trying to evacuate refugees.
The requirements serve to provide sufficient time for occupants to evacuate the premises.
We need you all to leave urgently and please evacuate safely under the guide of servants.
At the next level I throw open the emergency exit door and they all begin to evacuate out.
在下面一层楼我打开了紧急出口, 他们开始逃生。
We thank the United Nations and other international partners for helping to evacuate them.
And this requirement would allow sufficient time for the occupants to evacuate the premises.
President Yudhoyono has urged coastal residents to evacuate due to a number of after shocks.
由于馀震不断, 总统也紧急呼吁沿岸民众撤离。
Belgium sent its troops to Congo, stating that the aim was to protect and evacuate Europeans.
比利时派军队进入刚果, 声称其目的是保护及撤走欧洲人。
Intercom Emergency! A bomb has been detected. All nonEOD personnel must evacuate immediately.
Thus, maneuvers to fully evacuate carbon dioxide at the end of surgery might reduce the pain.
因此, 在腹腔镜术后完全排空腹腔内二氧化碳可能减少疼痛。
The Taliban are good shots, conceal themselves well and evacuate their casualties efficiently.
The hotel fire officer will instruct you in how to evacuate the building if a fire breaks out.
The hotel fires officer will instruct you in how to evacuate the building if a fire break out.
Everyone draw on a smoke mask, take with a flashlight, then evacuate in order on emergency exit.
The attack was preceded by an aerial assault, which caused the villagers to evacuate the village.
During early evening a ship drew alongside to evacuate most of the 778 Japanese soldiers on board.
The emergency air supply must be sufficient to allow the personnel to evacuate the confined space.
At least14 deaths are being blamed on the massive rainfall, which has forced thousands to evacuate.
至少有14人死于这场暴雨, 上千人流离失所。
A wildfire is raging out of control near Lake Tahoe forcing about1, 000 people to evacuate their homes.
塔霍湖边一场野火来势汹涌, 使人们逃离该地。
It's believed many of those who died were prison officers trying to evacuate inmates from a nearby jail.
Be ready for action Eg British and American warships are standing by to evacuate their citizens if necessary.
英美军舰已经处于准备状态, 以便在必要时撤走侨民。
Control the traffic scientifically, distribute traffic flow in a roundabout way, and evacuate and dissuade staying passenger.
In case any leakage of sour gas is found, broadcast shall be made through the central control room to inform all persons on site to evacuate.
如发现酸气泄漏, 通过中控室广播通知现场所有人员撤离。

单词 evacuate 释义

  • 单词释义:撤离,疏散;排泄;腾出(房子等);除清,抽空  [更多..]



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