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单词 example 例句大全,用单词example造句:

And you saw an example where you if you mix chloroform and acetone, you get a negative deviation.
This example differs from the first example exclusively in the use of a scrollinsensitive cursor.
此示例完全不同于第一个示例, 使用了滚动不敏感游标。
We talk about this a lot, and I thought about trying to give an example of this, just one example.
For example, the first class in the following code example returns an instance of the second class.
The source code for the mail example and the previous example are available for you to tinker with.
This time data includes attendance and absence times, availability times, and overtime, for example.
时间数据包括初晴和缺勤时间, 可以用时间, 以及加班时间。
Second part Nowadays study the real example basis of peasant's political accomplishment ofour country.
For example, it can detect the abnormal functions of metal objects in the process of power transmission.
比如在电力传输的过程中, 检测出金属物体等异常的功能。
Bungee jumping, for example, covers several academic fields including sports psychology and meteorology.
The most common example of motion with constant acceleration is that of a body falling toward the earth.
最普通的匀加速运动的例子, 是落体运动。
It means, for example, we need to work out how to accommodate collaboration and competition simultaneously.
这代表我们必须发想出 如何同时适应合作与竞争
And unified the example to carry on the static mechanical analysis comparison to the optimized achievement.
The following is an example of a plain text message that uses acceptable formatting for the Replay directory
An accessory of fan electromotor was taken as an example to show feasibility and correctness of this method.
For example, the accused must report to a police station every day before commencement of the court hearing.
例如在法庭未展开聆讯前, 被告必须每日到警署报到。
This project provided very good example for the construction of steel structure of large henceforth abnormity.
An example of this might be if you accidentally reveal a surprise birthday party to the person the party is for.
For example, in the above example of the manufacturing enterprise, the objective was to turn a loss into a profit.
在上述制造企业中, 其目标是扭亏为盈。
A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program. The is an example of a multithreaded application.
Pixel Collision This example demonstrates how to performs accurate pixel collision detection. Made by Richard Lowe.
The simplest example of this type is the abacus, which has been used in many parts of the world since ancient times.
More than an inventor, he remains the perfect example of what can be accomplished with perseverance and little else.
Teaching could be done either by advice or by example. In particular,a leader must set a good example to his people.
A green card can serve as easily recognizable proof of third party insurance, for example in the case of an accident, when traveling abroad.
For example, research indicates that ' having the gene for schizophrenia ' means there is a 50 percent risk you 'll develop the disease, rather than absolute certainty.

单词 example 释义

  • 单词释义:例子;范例;榜样  [更多..]



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