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单词 ethereal 例句大全,用单词ethereal造句:

I was a handsome boy, ethereal, Bristol branches green leaves, evergreen.
Its ethereal hand confers a lifetime of experience with combat and steel.
Drunk, so that specific dream was real, so that reality and fantasy ethereal.
醉, 让梦具体得真实, 让现实又虚幻的飘渺。
Its style, with light relocating salo insipid ethereal beauty of lingering.
The mountain has an ethereal hue with a clearness almost polar in its severity
这些群山有一种永恒得色彩, 明亮得程度近乎於极地
You cannot dip into the ethereal well and pull out when the temperature soars.
There are much safrole in eight sorts of Cinnamomum Trew plants' ethereal oil.
When Ethereal Plunderer leaves play, you may gain control of target equipment.
The most insignificient transgression reverberated in the most ethereal worlds.
The mountain have an ethereal hue with a clearness almost polar in its severity.
Ethereal Blade Ether Blast damage rescaled from 2. 5x Agility to 75 2. 0x Agility
No, more of an instruction book on how to reach this ethereal plane of existence.
Often in the performance of this amazing musical skills, the use of ethereal mood.
这种演奏技巧常在表现神奇, 空灵的意境时使用。
At times he seems rather ordinary. At other times ethereal, perhaps even spectral.
有时好像很普通, 有时又虚无缥缈, 甚至像个幽灵。
Ethereal views of Titanics bow offer a comprehensiveness of detail never seen before.
The melodious song of a fisherman, floating in the ethereal skies echoed in our minds.
悠扬的渔夫之歌, 飘荡在空灵的天际, 久久回荡在我们脑海。
Some people looked at the quiet, thinking about something, the heart, an ethereal moment.
That, at the resurrection, our bodies shall be transformed into absolutely ethereal bodies.
The building is clad in a light chalkstone, which gives it an almost ethereal appearance.
Young willows were ethereal, spring breeze so caressing, and birds were chirping in unison.
嫩柳轻飘, 春风荡漾, 小鸟唧唧地欢唱。
In this ethereal dimension of the Nothl Realm, the properties of light and dark are inverted.
在虚无之境的虚灵位面中, 光明与黑暗的属性被反转了。
Their howls are heartbreakingly beautiful, with an ethereal quality no other tribe can match.
Artistic Beauty pursuit of ethereal, Silence to focus on spirituality, detached from the secular.
The organic compounds would have been in the gas form, too ethereal to stay packed inside a comet.
有机构成物以气体的形态存在, 太过稀薄, 无法存在慧星里。
Each of the sway of a summer rain outside the window, the window the total flow of ethereal miss me.

单词 ethereal 释义

  • 单词释义:天上的;轻飘的;[化]乙醚的  [更多..]



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