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单词 era 例句大全,用单词era造句:

The era of the internet, is the era of the proliferation of information.
Digital times opens a new era for the aesthetics of digital graphics art.
With his second abdication and exile, the era of the Napoleonic Wars ended.
Parading into the New Era, Developing New Space for Adult College Education
But the new annual budgets will still be much smaller than in the Honda era.
但是, 新的年度预算将仍然远远小于在本田的时代。
But for African Americans in this country, that was an era defined by terror.
但是对于这个国家的黑人来说 那是个白色恐怖时代
The Palaeozoic was also the era when fishes, amphibians and reptiles appeared.
Current era is the era of globalization of economy and science and technology.
On the Impact of Portuguese Law on African Customary Law During the Colonial Era
The new socialist era will replace the era of international monopoly capitalism.
We should abandon all outmoded conventions and customs to keep pace with new era.
In the contemporary era, eastern thinking style has been adopted by modern studies.
而在当代, 东方式得思维已被现代学科采纳。
And Arab era astrology is the immediate ancestor of the Western astrology of today.
This is undoubtedly one of the most aggressive images of the reformists in that era.
Here too, the achievements of the Putin era have produced somewhat inflated perceptions.
而在这个领域, 普京时代得成就也有点夸大了。
On Constitutional Conflict of Federalism and Its Administration in the Globalization Era
More electric aircraft is an important feature of the next era of advanced fight aircraft.
The adventure of the Yellow Diamond begins with the eleventh century of the Christian era.
One of the famous wagers of the more modern era was announced by Christopher Wren in 1684.
The Geological Different Between Yidong Mesozoic Era Hollow and Liaoxi Mesozoic Era Hollow
In the absence of an era of money in circulation, land and personal is the main collateral.
在缺乏货币资金流通的时代, 土地和人身是主要的抵押品。
The era is being ushered in by a radical change in space policy by the Obama administration.
奥巴马政府太空政策激进的改变, 引进了新时代。
In the network era, Chinese thesaurus will achieve new development and obtain new application.
在网络时代, 汉语主题词表将得到新的发展和应用。
The age of emplacement is at Upper Paleozoic Era from the result of isotopic age determination.
依据同位素测年结果, 确定其侵位时代为晚古生代晚期。
Allan holds an office in the American biggest weapon manufacture company Christian era company.

单词 era 释义

  • 单词释义:纪元,年代;历史时期,时代;重大事件  [更多..]



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