Similar slack the unused portion of an economys productive capacity is evident across the U. S.
Such application was evident in Egypt at least 2, 000 years before Archimedes walked this earth.
But it is evident that he was precisely the man to assume the role that history assigned to him.
Conclusion GS has evident effects of antifebrile, antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic.
Nevertheless, on scrutinizing her attentively, it was evident that she still retained her beauty.
但是仔细看去, 她的美不减当年。
Swelling and porosity of the propellant mixture became evident after 6 days at ambient temperature.
It is evident that a big kettle containing boiling water will give out more heat than a smaller one.
It is evident that ductility is a desirable property of structural materials required to resist blast.
显然, 为要抵抗爆震, 结构材料得延性是一个重要得条件。
It's evident they've discussed the most nightmarish aspects of a nuclear holocaust in their classrooms.
A preference for getting things accomplished not simply stepping through a sequence of activities is evident.
The influence of both Roman and Byzantine traditions is evident in the architecture of the Romanesque period.
From the bottom to the mouth of the bay, the biomass increases gradually, the bay nature distribution is evident.
what s more, the ovule abortive events of the two species is evident, which may be one of the threatening factors.
The evident arborization structure was observed at the egg handle on egg surface when the egg protoplasm drew back.
Nowadays, the need to forecast emergency situations and for disaster preparedness is becoming increasingly evident.
The concepts of the translators become evident in the external appearance of philosophical reflection in translation.
The polarity distributions of starch grains and aleurone were extremely evident in the early stage of globular embryo.
It is evident that, drainage flow in the irrigation tunnel at small discharge has influence on microtremor of the arch dam.
The problems have become increasingly evident to customers. Chinas airports are infamous for flight delays and cancellations.
Resins and asphaltenes are the most unstable constituents in asphalts as shown by their evident changes after absorbing oxygen.
Results demonstrated that aqueous extracts from grosvenor momordica fruits have no evident genetic toxicity to adult male mice.
Some experts say the same mental process evident in people with ADHD may also be associated with a tendency to criminal behavior.
There are many unpredictable factors affecting the international situation, and the contradictions are becoming increasingly evident.
The results showed that the closer the fracture to the knee, the more evident the floating, and the easier the popliteal artery is injured.
骨折部位愈近膝关节, 膝浮动愈明显, 愈易损伤月国动脉。
On the third subject, the benefit of milieu teaching was evident by observing the elongated latency during interaction and decreased maladaptive communication behaviors.