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单词 evidence 例句大全,用单词evidence造句:

Evidence that the spectral dependence of light absorption by aerosols is affected by organic carbon.
Empirical evidence and objective facts are accepted only if they jibe with the Communist Party line.
It's the first evidence of a potential mechanistic link between abdominal fat and systemic inflammation.
She concocted her story and faked evidence of physical abuse that she misled investigators at every turn.
Article 68 Any document submitted evidence must be the original. Material evidence must also be original.
Free evaluation of evidence are a compound concept formed by freedom and the state of evidence evaluation.
It has to do with weighing up the strength of the other evidence against her and the statistical evidence.
这同衡量其它对她不利的证据 和数据型证据有关
Hearsay Evidence is the one of the most controversial evidence types in AngloAmerican Evidence Law System.
Shipment The Date of the Bill of Lading shall be accepted as a conclusive evidence of the date of shipment.
Talk About Several Questions that the Evidence of Disicipine Inspection Transforms to the Criminal Evidence
Evidence shows that healthy academic development must proceed in the atmosphere of criticism and contention.
National textbooks about evidence law is a necessary carrier for legal education and further academic study.
Evidence of abnormal left ventricular relaxation or filling, diastolic distensibility and diastolic stiffness.
Without sufficient evidence, charges over the abuse of authority for personal gain will hardly lead to conviction.
假如没有足够证据, 对以权谋私的起诉就难以定罪。
There has recently been evidence that the center is trying to get a grip on the most flagrant abuses of the system.
最近, 中央显然试图控制最公然的制度践踏。
The1.3 billion women, children and elderly people living in absolute poverty are striking evidence of this challenge.
New evidence refers to the evidence newly discovered after the conclusion of the court session of the original trial.
The1. 1 billion women, children and elderly people living in absolute poverty are striking evidence of this challenge.
Scope of Adducing Evidence and Way of Obtaining Evidence for Both Patients and Medical Care Providers in Medical Lawsuit
Guarantee or certificate provides the evidence giving the assurance and evidence of compliance with regulatory requirements.
adduce evidence How Can Medical Institutions Manage to Adduce Evidence and Contradict in the Litigation over Medical Disputes
This article mainly discusses the concept of hearsay evidence and the relation between hearsay evidence and hearsay testimony.
Article68 The administrative appellant or intervenor appellant may present the documentary evidence or other evidence during the procedure.
Substantial evidence and the understanding of history,comprehensiveness and objectivity are the principles for the writing of academic history.
The code provides alternative ways for children to give evidence to increase accuracy, and gives judges guidance on what to tell a jury to help assess the evidence of very young children

单词 evidence 释义

  • 单词释义:证据;(法庭)证物,证词  [更多..]



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