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单词 every 例句大全,用单词every造句:

They shall raise their voices in every assembly, and adorn and revive every gathering.
他们须在各会议上大声畅言, 在各聚会上振奋人心。
Enough booze is sold for every adult to exceed recommended drinking limits every week.
They predicted accurately every eclipse of the moon and sun, the return of every comet.
Every knee will bow and every tongue confess. That includes your knees and your tongue.
万膝要跪拜, 万口要承认, 那也包括你的膝和你的口。
With every drop of water you drink, every breath you take, you're connected to the sea.
你喝的每一滴水 每一次的呼吸 都将你与大海联系起来
With every rose that blooms, with every sunflower that blossoms, with every lily that buds.
以每朵绽放的玫瑰 以每枝盛开的向日葵 以每瓣百合的花蕾。
Every bamboo nail has been cut more than ten times. It is difficult to make every cut right.
Wash bath jar every weeks, ensure to Gan Shuang maintains after bath crock is used every time.
Do as he told you and you will find every attempt successful and you will make every shot tell.
Every day we have many current accounts, and every account withdraws money or makes some deposits.
每天我们有很多往来帐目, 每位帐户要就是取款, 或是存款。
And with every exhale, the tension is being blown out, and every inhale brings in positive energy.
每次呼气 呼出心中的紧张不安 每次吸气都吸进正面能量。
Wash bath jar every weeks, ensure to Gan Shuang maintains after your bath crock is used every time.
Then deep silence, every neck outstretched, every mouth agape, every eye fixed on the marble table.
然后, 个个伸长脖子, 张开嘴巴, 所有的目光都射向大理石台子。
Every ancient architecture of every region has its own structure, tradition and cultural connotation.
Every exchange of salutation produces new acquaintance, and every acquaintance kindles into friendship.
Go not for every grief to the physician, for every quarrel to the lawyer, nor for every thirst to the pot
In spite fatigues of every kind, and under every climate, Dr.Fergusson's constitution bore up marvelously.
The latest figures in the new are the result of three years breakdown of every receipt claimed by every MP.
And every beast and bird and every living thing of every sort which goes on the earth, went out of the ark.
The inches we need are everywhere around us. They're in every break of the game, every minute, every second.
We get every person doing whatever he wants, with every aperture of every other person and every other animal.
人们开始任意而为 和任何人和任何动物
Every year, we hold a family ceremony in memory of ancestors, and every member of our family is supposed to attend.
每年家里都要家祭, 人人都得参加。
The sociation said remand every nurse and 275 students association says Vermont has one nurse for every 275 students.
every beast, every creeping thing, and every bird, whatsoever moveth upon the earth, after their families, went forth out of the ark.
All the people are discussing the national construction issues of every field and every aspect at the National People's Representative symposium.

单词 every 释义

  • 单词释义:每个;每;所有可能的;充足的  [更多..]



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