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单词 ethnography 例句大全,用单词ethnography造句:

So, personally, I think accurate ethnography should still be the necessary subject of anthropology.
因此, 精细的民族志仍然应该是人类学的重点产品。
Description and Interpretation Methodological Orientation in the Description of Musical Ethnography.
You can see ramifications of arguments of this sort for environmentalism as well as for ethnography.
Discourse Analysis and Ethnography of Communication Two Research Angles of Anthropological Linguistics
Encyclopaedia of Islam A Dictionary of the Geography, Ethnography, and Biography of the Muhammadan Peoples
伊斯兰百科全书伊斯兰各民族地理, 人种和人物传记辞典
Discourse analysis and ethnography of communication are two important angles of anthropological linguistics.
Focus groups, indepth interviews, accompanied shopping, ethnography and other qualitative interviewing techniques
座谈会, 深访, 陪同购物, 民族学方法和其他定性访问技术
For example, the anthropological method of ethnography has been used to describe teaching and learning in classrooms.
In Doing Ethnography of Schooling Educational Anthropology in Action. Ed. George Spindler. Cambridge University Press.
We have evidence from, morphology, archeology, ethnology , ethnography, linguistics, genetics and even possibly from botany.
我们有来自人类, 地质, 语言, 遗传甚至植物学的证据。
The first part of this dissertation is an ethnography which devoted to a systematic and comprehensive description of this ethnic group.

单词 ethnography 释义

  • 单词释义:n.民族志学,人种学,人种志  [更多..]



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