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单词 esoteric 例句大全,用单词esoteric造句:

Yet another interpretation of the Achaemenid design comes from an esoteric point of view.
Spiritual truth is not something elaborate and esoteric, it is in fact profound common sense.
真理并不是刻意造做, 也不是深奥的, 事实上它完全是常识。
Taking the six elements as essence is the Esoteric interpretation of the origin of the cosmos.
I've snipped a lot of the indirection and the more esoteric ways taxonomy links are expressed.
It comes with esoteric commands that require a highly trained security professional to operate.
它带有晦涩命令, 需要训练有素的专业操作安全。
The gluing renovation and protection of stone buddha of Esoteric Buddhism School in Tang dynasty
Experts might occasionally look for esoteric features, and they might make heavy use of a few of them.
专家可能会不时寻找深奥的功能, 并且会经常使用其中一些。
The theory of relativity also includes some more esoteric details, one of which is called spin precession.
We will begin with the Art of Memory which Yates established as an integral part of the esoteric tradition.
It becomes a mean by which the follower of the Esoteric Buddhism can achieve selfpurification of his nature.
它成为一种意思, 通过它密教信徒能够达到自我天性的净化。
No discipline was too esoteric in the pursuit of national pride.A gold medal in womens quadruple sculls rowing
还有为了追逐国家荣誉, 也谈不上什么纪律了, 无所不用其极。
Vgos Chos Grub's Esoteric Buddhism Sutra Translation in Dunhuang and It's Influence during the Ancient Tibet Time
Gym Climbing Climbing in an indoor climbing gym which is designed with the esoteric training needs to the climbers.
The Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism, which is different from all other Esoteric Buddhisms, makes the Tibetan Buddhism unique.
密宗是与所有其它的密宗不同, 使得西藏佛教独特。
The main character of Esoteric Buddhism is the high degree organization of the auspiciousness, rituals and secular beliefs.
Even in the esoteric upper reaches of the European commission, the language has become passionate rather than technocratic.
即使在欧盟委员会神秘的上层, 语言也从专业转为激情。
Master Knowledge This includes the kind of esoteric information that only a master in the field of study could possibly know.
The secret chamber of the Heart, as it has been called by esoteric teachings, is simply the place where the Christ within resides.
To be intoxicated by a single glass of wine I have experienced this pleasure when I have drunk the liquor of the esoteric doctrines.
饮下一杯, 既便醉了当我饮下那深奥的理论时就曾有此感。
My friend had written to some missionary society to send him to the South Seas, when I offered him Kenans Life of Christ and a copy of Esoteric Buddhism.
The period of Dunhuang under the reign of The ancient tibet is the the important historical stage in Chinese and The ancient tibet esoteric buddhism exchange.

单词 esoteric 释义

  • 单词释义:秘传的;机密的;难解的,深奥的;限于少数人的  [更多..]



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