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单词 engrave 例句大全,用单词engrave造句:

Implementation Technology of the Keycode Encoding in the Tooth Engrave CNC System
The process starts with designing what you want to engrave as vectorbased artwork.
I only am and the sorest joyful face engrave its only numeral with themost pain tears
I would have given anything to have had a camcorder to forever engrave it in my memory.
The paper cutting is to shear with the scissors or the sharp twosided knife engrave out.
it scissors is cut or need not engrave graduating with cutter, rip with the hand however.
applying an engravedgroove forming material to engrave the surface of the coating material
I want to keep them and engrave them in the painting so to have long release again and again.
Break point and break knife continue engraving function, can engrave at any place as you like.
断点断刀续雕功能, 可任意位置随心所欲进行雕刻。
Probably a month can engrave the data with be recorded important, be ready for any eventuality.
Altar base Xumishan waist style, full carving Book and a variety of patterns, engrave works fine.
神台基座束腰须弥式, 满雕力士及各种花纹图案, 镂工精致。
Please accept my most cordial thanks for your timely help which will engrave in my thankful mind.
l keep winning employee of the month because my name is the shortest and it costs less to engrave.
Your earnest teachings will never fade. I shall engrave them onto my heart and always bear them in mind.
您的谆谆教导, 常在我耳际出现, 我将长铭于心, 永志不忘!
The brocade Pa is one exhibition, alter engrave and then have numerous asset fall at make Mo of hand in.
Hardware and Software Configuration for Same Equipment to Engrave Lines on and Test Metal Graduation Ruler.
Being besieged by mountain torrents, how many people still engrave those forests being peremptorily cut down
被山洪围困得人, 有多少还铭记横遭砍伐得森林?
Engrave to leave my house and fishing boat of adopted father house, oneself thinks a way to compensate him.
Being besieged by mountain torrents, how many people still engrave those forests being peremptorily cut down?
The time like water has flowed from the fingertip, soaks inundates on the skin actually cannot engrave the year mark.
时间如水从指尖流过, 浸漫在皮肤上却刻不下岁月的印痕。
This pieces of jade weared by Baron with and Tian bluish white jade chisel, it is each that engrave by treasure that carve.
这块佩玉是用和阗青白玉琢成, 是一件镂雕的珍品。
This pieces of jade weared by baron with and Tian bluish white jade chisel, it is each that engrave by treasure that carve.
这块佩玉是用和阗青白玉琢成, 是一件镂雕得珍品。
The author introduce the constituted sections of CNC engrave system, give its supporting and implement ways of software and hardware.

单词 engrave 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)铭记;雕刻,镌刻;深印于(心上);印刷  [更多..]



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