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单词 enforce 例句大全,用单词enforce造句:

Analysis and Solutions to Enforce and Improve the Management of Our National Tax Collection
Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Match officials should not tolerate such behaviour but instead enforce the laws of the game.
The police began carrying around decibel metres last summer to enforce new noise ordinances.
You can also set the join type, or enforce referential integrity and choose a cascade option.
还可以设置联接类型, 或实施参照完整性, 以及选择级联选项。
He'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire.
He emphasized that only the government the authority to provide protection or to enforce laws.
Consequently, we will not promulgate or enforce any laws that fail to respect such principles.
From now on, the Capital Airport will begin to enforce the flight schedule in summer and autumn.
Five is an intelligent property right to enforce the law law compulsory dint is not enough, cause
五是知识产权执法法律强制力不够, 导致
We must strictly enforce the factory rules and allow no one to use public office for private gain.
一定要严肃厂纪, 不能假公济私。
The same day, I announced that the United States would no longer enforce the arms embargo in Bosnia.
The president relied on the coercive powers of the military and the police to enforce law and order.
It also calls on the State party to effectively enforce the Children's Act prohibiting child marriages.
It also provides a means to enforce compliance of the source requirement against the target capability.
Delete a foreign key constraint when you want to remove the requirement to enforce referential integrity.
If relations turn seriously sour, it can still be time-consuming to enforce your rights under the agreement.
Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
The appearance that you always enforce one correspond to reality, only from my point of view, you are very lovable.
The Congress and the several States shall have concurrent power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
What is the speakers task in the house of commons A his task is to preside over the house and enforce the rules of order.
That had been accompanied by the setting up of elaborate institutional mechanisms to administer and enforce those standards.
Objective To discuss the experience of the enforce of nursing procedure in the healthy education of children with cerebral palsy.
A campaign was organized to supervise energy conservation and emissions reduction efforts and enforce environmental protection laws.
To enforce the construction of the culture of clean and honest administration is a basic work for fighting against corruption and building clean government.

单词 enforce 释义

  • 单词释义:强迫服从;实施,执行;加强  [更多..]



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