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单词 engage 例句大全,用单词engage造句:

But you know, many adults are pretty reluctant to engage with role play.
但是你知道,许多大人 很不愿参与角色扮演。
But ask an attention, hardly the person can engage in a lawsuit for you.
Engage in art or animation of a person, he should have a remarkable ability.
一个搞美术或者动画的人, 他应该具备一种非凡的能力。
Whichever nation explodes an atomic bomb will engage the whole world in war.
To engage in a disagreeable argument , usually over a trivial matter wrangle.
争吵卷入一场不愉快的争吵, 通常由琐事引起口角。
Second, China and Africa are good friends who engage in cooperation as equals.
Suddenly you're old enough to vote, drink and engage in other adult activities.
一下子 你就拥有了选举权 可以喝酒 还可以参与成人活动
Employee shall not engage in any remunerative activity during his annual leave.
Engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child.
Caution and prudence can become an unwillingness to engage in economic activity.
In his view, to engage with one book is to forgo the acquaintance of many others.
I sincerely hope we will engage in active and profound discussions on this issue.
We will also engage more representatives of various groups to join advisory bodies.
Money has been set aside for renting tractors to engage in agricultural production.
Accurately cut threads engage the yoke sleeve for positive control of disc position.
I am advocating however that you engage in that will raise your testosterone levels.
It usually conducts by gathering together to engage in an affray in objective aspect.
Mr. Obama, for his part, refused to engage with reporters assembled for the photo op.
奥巴马, 在他的立场上拒绝了记者们的拍照。
Approach to Rest and Engage in Orchard for the Staff and Workers of National Forest Farm
One of them, to his credit, I think just really wanted to engage me in a serious argument.
其中一位,我想他真的很想 同我认真地辩论一番。
It is no longer possible to engage in agricultural work without acquiring these techniques.
A proposed prospector shall notify the Authority of its intention to engage in prospecting.
with the basic skills, that magic that you need to engage an audience, to engage a student?
不能鼓舞观众 和激励学生的,没有魔力的东西呢?
Are you planning to engage your child in any meaningful activity during the school holidays?
They engage in many practices thought to confer good health and survival to an advanced age.
他们进行各种锻炼 认为这些有利于健康 和长寿。

单词 engage 释义

  • 单词释义:吸引住;聘用、雇佣;与…交战;使全神贯注、引起注意  [更多..]



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