Otherwise, while he is yet at a distance, he sends an envoy and asks for the terms of peace.
The Norwegian Foreign Ministry summoned Iran's envoy affaires in Oslo to protest the action.
One day, he revealed the court urged Ma to engage in Tibet envoy Harryming seng annunciation.
The editorial by the U.S. envoy follows another diplomatic dispute between Kenya and Britain.
在这之前, 英国和肯尼亚之间发生了一次外交争端。
We therefore support the timely appointment of a special envoy for missing persons and detainees.
Taking part for the first time was a senior American envoy, Undersecretary of State William Burns.
During his November visit, the Special Envoy also met with Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of SPDC.
In this respect, we continue to believe that it is necessary to appoint a United Nations special envoy.
Academia Sinica Institute of Modern History Tibet envoy to lead the diplomatic archives located in Germany.
Sung by envoy is also specific to Guan Ming, is eight, ninth rank the general term for a small military attache.
按使臣又是宋朝特有的官名, 是八, 九品小武官的总称。
Amid this latest cycle of confrontation and conciliation, Washington is considering whether to send an envoy to Pyongyang.
在这一次的斡旋中, 华府正在考虑是否向平壤派遣特使。
Other substantive and administrative support to the Special Envoy would be provided by the Department of Political Affairs.
Succession to such princeship needed the approval of the emperor, who would send an envoy to confer the official title on each new prince. Only then could the new prince assume his role.