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单词 envisage 例句大全,用单词envisage造句:

A Building Envisage of the Referential and Consulting Service System in the Library of Our College.
Because of this it is now possible to envisage temporary networks for special interest programming.
正因为如此, 我们可以设想定制节目的临时网络。
See our previous story for renderings that envisage the development once the plants have taken hold.
Older people are going to have to stay economically active longer than governments currently envisage.
It will not be too long before it will be seen that the end is not to be a disaster such as some envisage.
I don't envisage I will take an executive role, but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing.
What form of planning could you envisage in the aftersales area in order to sell services in a targeted manner
为了实现服务营销目标, 你们在服务部门进行怎样的规划
Innovation is lineal economics fails to envisage the economy with illuminate all the time ascensive mechanism.
It is quite impossible for you to envisage the environment which prevails during the early ages of some worlds.
Most bills envisage compensation of some sort for dirty industries, which would suffer most from an emissions cap.
We envisage that CEPA will speed up our economic cooperation with the Mainland, particularly with the Pearl River Delta.
将使香港与内地, 特别是与珠三角的经济合作加快。

单词 envisage 释义

  • 单词释义:设想;想象;预想  [更多..]



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