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单词 enormous 例句大全,用单词enormous造句:

This portion of agricultural products consumed at source by the peasants is enormous.
Besides his defensive game, Andrew Bynum has an enormous potential on the offensive end.
There is great scope and enormous potential for business cooperation and Arab countries.
发展中阿经贸合作, 空间广阔, 潜力巨大。
He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as 98 pounds for a single appearance.
He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as 100 pounds for a single appearance.
The enemy is bearing down upon us with his enormous war apparatus, and how dare we reduce ours
敌人以庞大的机构向我们压迫, 难道我们还可以缩小吗?
The civil service examination system adopted in Sung had an enormous impact on Chinese society.
Due to the enormous delays,soldiers arrived in the Volga cities nearly dead for lack of food.
And children, who can be a source of enormous satisfaction and joy, can also be a source of angst.
孩子是巨大满足, 快乐的来源, 不过也能成为焦虑来源。
We could do this in theory by studying an enormous impact crater known as the South Pole Akin basin.
Quasars are optical and sources of enormous intensity, apparently at great distances from the earth.
Amazon horned frogs achieve their enormous girth by being generally indiscriminate about what they eat.
We are proud of the enormous contributions made to this Organization by that illustrious son of Africa.
The sacrificial anode has foreseeable enormous economic value and social value in engineering application.
Free Trade Agreement between our two economies holds the potential to deliver enormous additional benefits.
The second part expounds the enormous achievements in collecting collating the official and private documents.
With the existence of a large number of credits, make the company having an enormous sum of accounts receivable.
The poor are taking advantage of this edict to marry off their daughters without enormous expenditure while they can.
Nelumbo nucifera is one of the ancient species in plant and has enormous economic value as aquatic vegetable in China.
It is generally accepted that a chain reaction may be obtained in uranium which would yield enormous amounts of energy.
and of course that started to have an enormous effect on the number of people who could afford access to those medicines.
这当然对于众多 可以买得起此类药品的人 意义深重。
A lifetime , peasant movement accomplishment making a general observation of comrade Wei Ba Qun enormous , are very effective.
纵观韦拔群同志的一生, 农民运动成就巨大, 效果显著。
Its difficult when youre used to being really fit and agile, having an enormous amount of energy and strength and a really flat stomach.
A journey of thousands of miles may not be achieved through accumulation of each single step, just as the enormous ocean may not be formed gathering every brook or stream.
Links to the state give Legend enormous clout: sales to government departments account for 25% of the company's total annual income, and state-owned enterprises figure among Legend's largest clients.

单词 enormous 释义



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