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单词 enjoy 例句大全,用单词enjoy造句:

I enjoy playing tennis in my free time and absorbing foreign languages.
You are going to enjoy an Acrobatic Show and Hebei Opera in the evening.
Just as French people enjoy their wine, so the British enjoy their beer.
I have no ability as an actress and I actually dont enjoy it much either.
我不太具备女演员的能力, 说实话自己不太喜欢。
Bathers enjoy the river Aare during a hot summer day in Bern, Switzerland.
Bathers enjoy the river Aare during a hot summer day in Bern, Switzerland.
Acknowledge that everything a gift from God for me to enjoy at this moment.
承认各样事物都是神所赐的礼物, 誏我在这个时刻可以享受。
Where will enjoy the friends, now that they may enjoy are the budding love.
但凡喜欢了才会是朋友, 既然喜欢便可能是爱的萌芽。
Just as the French people enjoy their wine, so the British enjoy their beer.
So why not enjoy the time being with oneself and enjoy the happiness within?
In addition, working women enjoy maternity leave and social security benefits.
The second issue addressed is the depressing social status that teachers enjoy.
People come to enjoy the singing, the acting, the music and the acrobatic combat.
I hope people enjoy themselves to nightclubs, so I will let them enjoy the music.
我希望来夜店的人玩得尽兴, 所以我也会放他们喜欢的音乐。
I enjoy traveling. I would be even more prone to accept a job involving traveling.
我喜欢出差, 如果要是经常出差, 那最合我意。
They all have a confidence about them and a swagger about them that I really enjoy.
The people of our various nationalities enjoy the absolute equality before the law.
We will lend you the money. That way, you enjoy our goods and we accumulate stores.
I enjoy the scenery, and enjoy pushing past the low moments to keep moving forward.
Absorb blood, blood clan's passing to absorb blood can enjoy imperfect eternal life.
I special enjoy myself in painting class, it really made me happy, clam and absorbed.
Women enjoy equal rights with men in state political life in accordance with the law.
Let your child know that they can enjoy their sexual feelings without acting on them.
让你的孩子知道他们可以有性冲动, 但是不要付诸行动就行。
Everyone should enjoy your life, enjoy yourself, this is very important in your life.
Be concerned about the affairs of state before others, and enjoy comfort about others.
先天之忧而忧, 后天下之乐而乐。

单词 enjoy 释义

  • 单词释义:享受;欣赏;感到愉快;享有  [更多..]



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