Still, it is an encouraging sign that they have opted for acceptance rather than dogmatism.
The authorities seem to have had second thoughts about encouraging more combative contests.
IPU is encouraging ratification of the recently adopted Optional Protocol to the Convention.
Perhaps the most encouraging aspect of the recent scandals is that they are emerging at all.
Benefits encouraging the body, eliminate physical repression, fostering selfregulation body.
益处振奋肉体, 消弭肉体压制, 培育自律肉体。
This is an encouraging sign of cooperation with the local citizenry of the Republika Srpska.
Accommodate when encouraging others, Love with open Heart, then you will have life Happiness.
待人退一步, 爱人宽一寸, 就会活得很快乐。
A mass campaign encouraging kindness to orphans is now wideispread and volunteers are numerous.
群众性献爱心活动广泛开展, 涌现出一批志愿者队伍。
Numerical Simulation of the Barricade Encouraging Effect in Process of Gas Explosion Propagation
As a whole, the Cult eschews structure in favor of encouraging creative, often chaotic rebellion.
Encouraging images of positive role models to inspire your students and brighten up your classroom.
Numerical simulation of the barricade encouraging effect in the process of gas explosion propagation
Encouraging or creating transactions in a customer's account for the purpose of generating commissions.
We should not be encouraging foreigners to come to the United States solely to enable them to confer U.
On the Introduction of Encouraging Mechanism in Ordering of Equipment Materials Research for Military Aid
principle of concentrating on scientific research and encouraging the commercialization of research results
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Encouraging children to persuade their friends and families to abstain from the consumption of shark fins soup.
The progress made in the preparation of the draft convention on assignment of receivables was also encouraging.
Encouraging economic organizations with diverse forms of ownership to assist with the development of the poor areas.
The bank has reduced the interest rate, with a view to encouraging its customers to take out loans and make investment.
In 1983, Regent Beryl Milburn produced a report blasting the University of Texas System administration for not encouraging women.
In 1985, Regent Beryl Milburn produced a report blasting the University of Texas System administration for not encouraging women.
The school makes a point of encouraging the students to take part in all kinds of physical exercises to help them build stronger bodies.
As you might imagine, I'm absolutely passionate about dance. I'm passionate about making it, about watching it, about encouraging others.
principle of concentrating on scientific and technological research and at the same time encouraging the commercialization of research results
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