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单词 encompass 例句大全,用单词encompass造句:

In the course of the subject is likely to encompass business card printing and membership card.
In the future, this network will need to encompass other communities and IFAD partner agencies.
In an ultimate sense, it must encompass more than the material and financial side of peoples lives.
从根本上说, 它不能只限于人民生活水平的物质和金钱方面。
We hope that the seeds sown that day will grow soon to encompass the city of lakes with green trees.
Solutions for small businesses encompass excellent management capabilities combined with ease of use.
The secondary transmission members encompass a fluid medium supply for the main transmission members.
There are multiple dimensions to the movement that encompass all different aspects of American culture.
The drill will encompass a simulation of the entire process, forecasters will go through during the Games.
演习将与整个比赛过程同步, 预报也会持续整个过程。
It is true that the five steps listed above encompass much of the goings on at American social gatherings.
These strategies encompass a wide range of learning behaviors that can help learners become more autonomous.
这些策略包含广泛的学习行为, 而且可以帮助学习者更自主。
Mr.Obama said he intends to encompass a wide range of social and political views in his inaugural celebration.
These offerings eventually expanded to encompass sophisticated libraries for communications and key functions.
Thus, the study should encompass responsibility which international organizations incur for their wrongful acts.
Other controls, however, encompass complex behavior, such as a calendar controls or controls that manage data connections.

单词 encompass 释义

  • 单词释义:围绕,包围;包含或包括某事物;完成  [更多..]



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