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单词 encroach 例句大全,用单词encroach造句:

Encroach on Marriage Tort Responsibility Concerning the Reflection Nature Damage to Third Pepole
Years could encroach on your beauty, but the abandoned enthusiasm that will make your heart get old.
The encroach process includes conglutination, spore germination, penetration, growth and host death.
它对寄主侵染过程包括粘附, 子萌发, 透虫体, 内发育和致死。
At the same time they attempt to encroach on the iron resources of Taihang mountains in Henan province.
为了增加煤炭产量, 福公司投入巨额资金不断建立新矿井。
Accordingly, baidu did not encroach other information network to transmit the subjective fault of authority.
Yang Hong sues Minister Zheng the reason is its opinion is a suspect to encroach upon her right of reputation.
Conclusion These studies show that NDV is useful for laryngocarcinoma, that NDV is not encroach on normal tissue.
The liability for tort is to encroach on one of the multiple responsibility that people should bear in the traffic accident.
Some delegations emphasized that the establishment of a trust fund should not encroach upon the independence of the Tribunal.
Building sites often encroach onto busy streets , prompting impatient drivers to swerve onto sidewalks and cut across city parks.
In the real life, the land policy expresses to encroach upon citizens lawful right, the land management also present chaotic aspect.
针对这一问题, 文章提出了对土地政策进行规范。
Conclusions Paranasal sinus diseases maybe easier to encroach upon the orbit, exophthalmos maybe the first symptom that we can found.
If cerebral doing suffers, encroach, can eye annulus circles flesh, mouth annulus circles flesh, masticatory flesh is paralytic with atrophy.
如果脑干受侵犯, 可有眼轮匝肌, 口轮匝肌, 咀嚼肌麻痹与萎缩。

单词 encroach 释义

  • 单词释义:侵犯;侵占;蚕食;侵蚀  [更多..]



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