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单词 enactment 例句大全,用单词enactment造句:

Administratively permission enactment right is the foundation of administrative systems standardization.
Administratively permission enactment right is the foundation of administrative systems standardization.
the choice of time enactment of exercising price is not appropriate and exercising price is a little low
行权价格的时间设定基准不合理, 行权价格偏低
On the Limit to the Qualification Constitution of the Right to be Elected in our Country and its Enactment
In the long term, we need to consider the enactment of legislation on recycling to build a circular economy.
长远来说, 我们必须考虑订立回收法例, 实行循环经济。
The said article specifically refers to treaties, which must be promulgated through a legislative enactment.
A decisional product, such as a statute, decree, or enactment, delivered by a legislative or a judicial body.
Formulating a law on mental health, and making studies for the enactment of a law on basic medical and health care.
The enactment method for operator status authentication and its usufruct of process information management in Oilfield
It is expected that these draft laws will be submitted to the National Transitional Legislative Assembly for enactment.
The merger proposal will become effective upon enactment of the legislation and completion of certain procedural steps.
待制定法例和完成若干程序上的步骤后, 合并建议即告生效。
On the enactment of the relevant legislation, there will be a twoyear grace period before the implementation of Phase I.
This approach will lead to the development of a system of seed certification and the enactment of appropriate legislation.
An effective response required the enactment and implementation of comprehensive and multidimensional national legislation.
a new situation arises after enactment of such legislation, thereby requiring clarification of the basis of its application.
Provided that a civil debt due to the crown under any enactment may be recovered from the wages of an employee by attachment or otherwise.
但根任何成文法欠下官方的民事, 可藉扣押工或其他方法追。
Each level entails different characteristics for the process definition as well as enactment in an organization or project for each level.

单词 enactment 释义

  • 单词释义:(法律的)制定,颁布;法律,法规;扮演  [更多..]



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