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单词 enviable 例句大全,用单词enviable造句:

Ultimately, though, the results provide one more testament to the cockroachs enviable endurance.
总之, 以上结果再次证明, 蟑螂有让人羡慕的超强存活力。
His family has prosperous children. The whole family is emerged in harmony and joy. How enviable!
For several decades, Singapore enjoyed an enviable reputation as the successstory island republic.
You may hear of a promotion or be awarded a prestigious new job, or you may be given enviable publicity.
To protect its international security, the United States needs to maintain its enviable demographic position.
要保护其国际安全, 美国需要保持它令人羡慕的人口状况。
The trine of Jupiter and Saturn in the composite chart gives your relationship a steady quality that is quite enviable.
The hero was an outstanding man with excellent qualities the celebrity is an average person with an enviable reputation.
英雄是了不起的人物, 名流是了不起的名声。
Petronas is often compared to Petrobras, Brazils partly stateowned oil firm, which has also built an enviable reputation in competition with the titans of the industry.

单词 enviable 释义

  • 单词释义:值得羡慕的;引起妒忌的  [更多..]



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