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单词 emotion 例句大全,用单词emotion造句:

When playing some slow Adagio Cantabile, beautiful and moving, full of emotion to color.
The function of emotion in advertisement was narrated with the material of perceptual appeal.
Negative Emotion and Stress Reaction of Cancer Patients with Anticipatory Nausea and Vomiting
The authenticity and the emotion are the outstanding aesthetic characteristics in the writing.
I reaffirm that the method of controlling emotion can only be grasped when your emotion swings.
There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion.
There was no difference in scores between the groups on the explicit tests of emotion and affect.
Sex is the root of the human beings multiply, the source of emotion, the fountain of love as well.
If you get all those parts aligned, yes I think you could probably be feeling the emotion of love.
如果你能找到一个均衡 是的你仍然可以感觉到一种爱
Cbreath methods! Last, Perform each sentence by saying it naturally and acting it out with emotion!
最后, 把每个句子表演出来, 自然地说, 布满感情地演!
The ovation got even louder when Wang doffed his cap in appreciation, in a rare display of emotion.
The Evergreen Tree of Advertisement MarketingEnchantment and Problem of Emotion Pursuing Advertisement
The innumerable variations of one single color are again maneuvered to communicate emotion and ambience.
The Comment on the Prominence of the Aesthetic Feeling in the Emotion and Reason in Photography Twinkling
The Effect of Negative Emotion and Cognitive Appraisal Orientation on Working Memory Span of Senior Students
We overlook education of students emotion and attitude and value outlook also psychology character appraise.
忽视了对学生的情感, 态度和价值观等心理品质的教育。
At the same time, they pay attention to sincere and long couples'emotion but oppose intimate couples'emotion.
同时注重夫妻情感的深挚长久, 而反对夫妻情感过于狎昵。
The fine deportment of different field and the emotion recalling ancientry arouse the people's living interest.
Abnormal emotion caused by collateral dysfunction is one of the basic pathogenesis of the heart diseases in TCM.
On Tuesday, Huang issued an apology, saying he had been overwhelmed by emotion in the last minutes of the match.
在星期二, 黄写了一个道歉, 说他最后几分钟情绪失控。
Andy gazes around at the boxes. The riches of the world lay at his feet. His eyes mist with emotion at the sight.
The Research of Affectivity and Practice for Optimizing Teaching Through Emotion in Physics Teaching of High School
Carrying out the united front work of intellectuals in colleges and universities by applying emotion and reason administration
Efficacy of Treating Agrypnia by Scraping on Selected Acupoint by Differentiating Symptoms and Signs in Combination with Accommodating Emotion
Analyze To the Change of the Fu of Describing Thing in the Han Dynasty by the Way of the Relation Between the Expression of Emotion and the Description of Thing.

单词 emotion 释义

  • 单词释义:情绪;强烈的情感  [更多..]



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