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单词 aimless 例句大全,用单词aimless造句:

Mike Understand! Carol, you cant just drift along like some aimless teenage.
The man proclaimed in exclamation that he aimed to reclaim the aimless claim.
The man proclaimed in exclamation that he aimed to reclaim mthe aimless claim.
The man proclaimed in exclamation those he aimed to reclaim the aimless claim.
You will never understand how much I love you, this means I am is too aimless?
你不会懂得我有多在乎你, 难道是我太盲目了吗?
Stalin said that theory becomes aimless when it is not connected with practice.
Translation activities should be social demand oriented to avoid being aimless.
翻译教学应该以社会需求为导向, 这样才不会无的放矢。
We should point the finger of scorn at those who are fond of aimless theorizing.
Once remember no, tax badge shenzhou, aimless and brilliance shines light dances.
曾记否, 税徽漫舞亮神州, 光彩普照。
Mechanical, seemingly aimless behavior characteristic of various mental disorders.
自动症由各种神经疾病引起的机械的, 毫无目的的行为特征
When I say the season has felt aimless, I dont necessarily mean it as a criticism.
Aimless Breeze flaps against the heavy glass windows like playing an ancient elegy.
Homeless and aimless wandering makes them value highly the object once they possessed.
The sudden resolve had prompted her like superstitious impulse to abandon her aimless course.
Limited information is always better than aimless drifting or operating completely in the dark.
Limited information is a always better than aimless drifting or operating completely in the dark.
His progress in industry was just like his present journeyan aimless rush through a blinding mist!
In addition, without selection reading may become aimless and blind, which makes reading inefficient.
According to Nietzsche, the world is aimless and meaningless and the existence is terrible and questionable.
repeated construction and aimless extensive development aggravate the imbalance between resources supply and demand.
Like a aimless fly, I am just rushing here and there, knowing everything a little, and stop my interest into the thing itself.
总是做错事的我, 总是, 在后悔的我, 总是落在后面的我。
The algorithm has the character of little calculating amount, higher accuracy and smaller aimless ability of scaling selection.
该算法具有运算量小, 精度高, 尺度选择盲目性小等特点。
The first episode named Sakura Note is about the two teenagers expressed the affection to each other and the aimless future as well.
Most people see differences and are sharp. I alone make no distinctions, seeming aimless, drifting as the sea, like the wind blowing about, seemingly without destination.

单词 aimless 释义

  • 单词释义:无目的的;无目标的;漫无目标  [更多..]



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