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单词 aid 例句大全,用单词aid造句:

The administration has delinked human rights from economic aid to under developed nations.
With regard to development aid, Belgium was a staunch advocate of equality of opportunity.
Loveliness, needs not the foreign aid of ornament, but is when unadorned, adorned the most.
A Tentative Analysis on US Aid Policy towards Mainland Southeast Asia of Eisenhower Administration
I am also absolutely certain that a lot of aid today isn't better than giving directly to the poor.
我也确信 现在许多援助 都不比直接给穷人钱还好。
On Tuesday she suggested that the administration should plan for the possibility of additional aid.
Police are asking for witnesses to the accident especially the person who gave first aid to the boy.
Its physical and chemical properties have been improved by adding some binder aid and sintering aid.
The hot acquisition sensor is uses hotly releases the electricity effect the infraredacquisition aid.
He said that the election of the clubs purpose is to look for foreign aid cost effective foreign aid.
他表示, 俱乐部选外援的宗旨是找性价比最高的外援。
A study of the correlation between hearing aid fitting and speech articulation or phonetic acquisition.
Seeking international political advantage has also formed a backdrop and a motive for the aid programs.
Increased aid efficiency and good governance were key to overcoming the aid fatigue of donor countries.
援助效率增加, 加上善政, 是克服捐助国疲倦的关键。
This year, the humanitarian organization estimates an additional 25 million people will need food aid.
One of the reasons for establishing Council is to broaden public participation in legal aid administration.
The system administrator is concerned with intuitive behavior, administration, and tools to aid monitoring.
系统管理员关注直觉行为, 管理和辅助监测。
The Duty Lawyer Service This Service complements the legal aid services provided by the Legal Aid Department.
Display of the Wavefront of the Underwater Acoustic Wave, Internal Wave, etc., with the Aid of Impulse Ruby Laser
Request for personal data access and correction should be addressed to the Chief Staff Officer, Civil Aid Service.
Without the collective financial aid provided by all parties, my enterprise would never made such good achievements.
Accordingly, with advocate collaboration can aid power network You Li to use advocate traditional channel advantage.
因此, 与广告主合作可助力网游利用广告主的传统渠道优势。
Aid, assist, support, encourage Norman was arrested for abetting the crime because he helped the robbers hide in his house.
To achieve the high efficiency in erection, only one installer is needed to complete the erection with the aid of hexagon ring spanner.
只需一个安装人员用内六角扳手, 即可高效安装。
Analysis of Factors Affecting Budgeting of Port Projects Built With China's Aid to Foreign Countries and Measures to Overcome These Factors
Hence those who use fire as an aid to the attack show intelligence; those who use water as an aid to the attack gain an accession of strength.

单词 aid 释义

  • 单词释义:援助,帮助;辅助设备  [更多..]



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