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单词 ailment 例句大全,用单词ailment造句:

We should not pay for cures that cost us more than the original ailment.
如果治疗必须付出的代价比不治疗还多, 就不应该治疗。
Every time my doctor cures one ailment, I seem to come down with another!
Is ailment born during be pregnant can do oneself do medicine to eat not.
You know, they say insomnia is a common ailment for firstyear paramedics.
Conclusions Eye injury or wound is to cause one of main blind eye ailment.
He was soon diagnosed with a heart ailment and forced to withdraw in 1897.
他很快就被检查出有心脏疾病, 并于1897年被迫退伍。
he believes can, and will, ward off major disease and minor ailment alike.
他相信他将抵挡住那些重大的疾病, 还有那些小毛小病。
A disease or ailment, imaginary or real, especially one affecting the skin.
Being much concerned about your ailment, I hasten to offer my hearty sympathy.
Finding the right herb to cure a particular ailment requires a little research.
Such issues delayed provision of medications appropriate to treating my ailment.
Unfortunately its not a serious enough medical ailment to forestall the execution.
the common ailment and construction quality control of the bridge s expansion joints
A surgical procedure for remedying an injury, an ailment, a defect, or a dysfunction.
外科手术为修补伤口, 缺陷或畸形等治疗疾病的外科手术
He is always suffering from one ailment or another, so he has a medicine box at home.
他是老病号了, 家里备有保健箱。
Yes, a small ailment is a blessing, and I think I need to drink some herbal soup now.
In France alone, more than a million people are affected with some form of mental ailment.
In the midst of all this, my mother fell ill with a stomach ailment for two or three days.
Enterprises'receivable funds resulting in selling on credit is a persistent ailment for them.
Enterprises' receivable funds resulting in selling on credit is a persistent ailment for them.
Once on the stage, she can leave behind at the back stage all pains from her ailment and her sorrows.
只消在台上, 她把病痛和悲伤的外衣脱下, 挂在后台。
The suspense was intensified by the lack of a briefing in advance as to what the patients ailment was.
由于事先没有介绍患者的病情, 这更增加了悬念。
After working one day, fatigue meeting makes the body resists the ability of ailment is reduced greatly.
Once the ailment is diagnosed as stressrelated, then theres the question of tackling the underlying issues.
How can you ask for a time off so frequently for such a slight ailment? You need to improve your attitude for work.

单词 ailment 释义

  • 单词释义:疾病,病痛;小恙  [更多..]



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