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单词 ago 例句大全,用单词ago造句:

According to reports, the Paris District Court rejected the demands of a few days ago.
据报道, 巴黎地方法院日前驳回了这一诉求。
She continued, Long ago they used to say, Get your answer at Abel, and that settled it.
This ancient Yellow Crane Tower was built in 233 A.C. More than one thousand years ago.
Somebody called me from the hospital saying that Carl had a car accident two hours ago.
And just taken about three weeks ago, I think, three or four weeks ago. Where was this?
Oscar's face was disfigured five years ago when he accidently shot himself while hunting.
五年前, 奥斯卡在狩猎时意外开枪打中自己而惨遭毁容。
One is an Acheulean hand axe from half a million years ago of the kind made by Homo erectus.
Aberdonian had received hairbrush, ask barber a moment ago shaved to him want how many money.
Strange illusion always pursues his mind since he survived the traffic accident ten years ago.
About one week ago, intermittent abdominal pain was complained but his family did not about it.
大约一周前, 间歇性腹痛抱怨但是他的家人并不在意。
Three ages ago the struggle of good abundance timest evil were compressed into a single morning.
Abstract International oil price had approached col of every pails of 100 dollars a few days ago.
Our should academic activities were planned as part of our Golden Jubilee Celebration a year ago.
我们的学校活动是五十年校庆的一部分, 计划在明年执行。
You were in Tibet two years ago. You werent in Tibet two years ago. Were you in Tibet two years ago
By championing this one cause, Mr.Abe rose from obscurity to become prime minister three months ago.
通过支持这样的话题, 安倍从身份低微到三个月前成为首相。
The accident occurred long ago and they are in difficulties now in investigating what then happened.
Six months ago I was involved in a road traffic accident with another car while driving home from work.
Three years ago, we that have a childlike face have high aspirations and want to achieve the life span.
This zone was founded several days ago. The newborn baby encountered this kind of tragedy, it is abhorrent.
Conformity is not an abstract concept to these students. Two years ago, the bystander effect happened not far from here.
Back then, 13 years ago, we didn't have the ability to look inside the living human brain and track development across the lifespan.
Hunan University is a national key university, whose history can be traced back to Yuelu Academy established one thousand years ago.
The administrator account is an administrator, and the password was changed 84 days ago. This account has been used 311 times to logon.
最后一次更改口令是在84天前, 总共登录了311次。
Yet, talk to adults who endured PE in junior high and high school a few decades ago, and it is clear that as recently as two decades ago, 'fun'wasn't part of the PE lexicon.
International Women's Day was first honoured one hundred years ago in a handful of European countries. Since then, the celebration has become global, and much has been achieved.

单词 ago 释义

  • 单词释义:adv.以前的,以往的  [更多..]



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