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单词 aggravating 例句大全,用单词aggravating造句:

Rules of ordinary criminal law concerning aggravating circumstances are also applicable.
Exploration of Applying the Principle of No Aggravating Punishment on Defendants in Our Country
Garnish with brunet eye shadow aggravating eye end, on the vision to pull the effect of eye end.
Hangzhou is a little sultry in summer. The temperature is rising and the humidity is aggravating.
夏天很闷热, 这根本那是我不喜欢它的理由。
The basic crime of the aggravating crime can be not only consequence crime but also behavior crime.
Inadequate planning and the use of substandard or ineffective products are aggravating the situation.
The agriculture farm tax and excise tax was still heavy, aggravating the burden of the farmer consumedly.
农业赋税繁重, 大大加重了农民的负担。
Aggravating the affront was one caricature of Muhammad wearing a turban shaped as a bomb with a burning fuse.
Want to maintain defecate unobstructed, lest defecate exerts oneself to do sth. when aggravating heart burden.
要保持大便通畅, 以免大便用力时加重心脏负担。
Whitewater will cause the blood to drink diluted with drastic increases perspiration, further aggravating dehydration.
Mention was also made of the possibility of deleting the provisions relating to aggravating and mitigating circumstances.
The following table contains the general aggravating and mitigating factors to be considered in determining the ultimate penalty
With the cognitive impairment aggravating, the syndrome of asthenia in origin and asthenia in superficiality was more obviously.
Contrast Observation on Effects of Acupuncture and Western Medicine on Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease at Acute Aggravating Stage
Remember must making before plaster wall achieves plaster requirement, wall of ashen wide range will be aggravating plaster blemish.
就这样, 它们就飞越了烟道里的一条裂纹。

单词 aggravating 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.使恶化的,加重的,恼人的  [更多..]



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