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单词 afford 例句大全,用单词afford造句:

Millions of middle-class families can no longer afford to live on two incomes.
If he can afford a luxury yacht, then a fortiori he can afford to pay his debt
If you can't afford to leave a tip, you can't afford to eat in the restaurant.
如果你付不起小费, 请别在餐馆就餐。
He had to quit school to work, as his family could not afford his tuition fees.
The project must be done till the end of April, you can ill afford to wait more.
As a surgeon, I cannot afford any mistakes, it would be dangerous for the patient.
I really believe that all people deserve access to health at prices they can afford.
我深切相信所有人都应享有 他们可负担得起的医疗。
Will only those that are able to afford it be able to be this super race of the future?
难道只有那些有钱人 才能做将来的超人类吗?
I can't afford the time to accompany you long. Just make yourself at home when you come.
Household appliances are not expensive nowadays, therefore all families can afford them.
He threw a great deal of money into real estate in vain. Now he can't even afford a meal.
Real estate has been priced out of the market and only a handful of people can afford it.
This can afford the theoretical and experimental proof for adjusting ellipsometer rapidly.
We cannot afford to do everything nor can we afford to lack boldness as we meet the future.
我们绝不能包揽一切, 我们在迎接未来时也决不能胆小怕事。
She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it.
They were living in such abject poverty that they could not even afford the bare necessities.
他们一贫如洗, 连最起码的生活必需品都买不起。
She took a fancy to a beautiful garment, but she didn't buy it because she couldn't afford it.
People who can't afford to go to the theatre or concerts can afford to go to football matches.
He was depressed because he was unable to afford the fees for curing his seriously ill daughter.
In addition, Members may afford an opportunity for the registration of a trademark to be opposed.
Before 1949, ordinary people in China were only able to afford one sumptuous meal a day on spring festival.
However, the international community cannot afford to let the efforts and achievements of the past decade wane.
I couldn't afford to find an apartment, or couldn't afford an apartment that would allow me to have the rottweiler and the cat.
我没钱找公寓,或者找不到让我 可以养狗和猫的地方。
But phone companies can no longer afford to be rooted by the notion that the voice is a medium for which there is no substitute.
He told his first investors - family and friends: ' I think there's a 70% chance you 're going to lose all your money, so don't invest unless you can afford to lose it.'

单词 afford 释义

  • 单词释义:买得起;承受得住;提供;抽得出(时间)  [更多..]



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