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单词 affiliation 例句大全,用单词affiliation造句:

The message says, period Lilanka already also expressed to join this affiliation to plan of purpose.
有消息称, 期里兰卡也已表示有意加入该联营计划。
The relation between macroscopic environment and microcosmic environment are affiliation and interaction.
Consolidating develop double package while, extend affiliation, Qing Dynasty actively to include business.
We need to strengthen our solidarity with the democratic parties and personages without party affiliation.
On Chen Tingchuos Affiliation with His Teachers and Friends and the Change of His Thought About the Ci Poetry
This company sets its own lace factory and net drill factory and keeps affiliation relation with several manufacturers.
On Reciprocity and Its Relationship with Affiliation, Contradiction and Motion, and the Connotations of Motion, Change and Development
论相互作用与联系, 矛盾和运动的关系

单词 affiliation 释义

  • 单词释义:隶属(关系);联系  [更多..]



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