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单词 ahead 例句大全,用单词ahead造句:

It would achieve some national pride, but not go ahead and build a weapon.
这样可以震震国威 但不会去制造真正的核弹
You want to be a little bit ahead of the competition, but not too far ahead.
How can you achieve great success if you fear wolves ahead and tigers behind?
Achievement is a time for looking back with pride, for looking ahead with joy.
成就即意味着可以自豪地回首往事, 喜悦地展望未来。
Lenovo had already decided not to buy billboard advertising ahead of the relay.
Plan ahead. Find out the menu ahead of and make healthy choices, before you go.
The two companies have already agreed in principle to go ahead with the project.
Now we are agreed in all respects, we can go ahead with the contract formalities.
Convoy for LuLu that like every sunshine can accompany you move ahead all the way!
When we see in advance dangers ahead of us, we'll make preparations to avoid them.
The Environmental Protection Agency, early next year, has the power to move ahead.
明年早些时候, 环保署就能获权执行。
But plenty of people in Congress and the administration are wary of charging ahead.
A cold and agitated wind come hurrying ahead, and close on its heels came the rain.
Mr Wen pledged to abolish agricultural taxes next year, two years ahead of schedule.
温家宝承诺下年取消农业税, 比原定计划提早两年。
A year of Scriptures lay ahead before the first fidelity oath could be administered.
Advanced discussion ahead, tread with caution, or jump straight to the next section.
一些更高级的讨论, 请仔细阅读, 或者跳到下一节。
Reform on centralized management of military financial affairs forges ahead steadily
The grief will not abate soon, but this is not the only difficulty in the time ahead.
The academy commandant, General Andrew Ritchie, jokingly warned of tough times ahead.
Hours of feverish activity lay ahead. The tents had to be erected, the stalls set up.
Because he was absent for two weeks, the other students in his class are ahead of him.
因为他缺了两周课, 其他同学都超过了他。
Now that you have all your brush settings adjusted, go ahead and brush on some flakes.
But it failed to wring a delay out of the agency, which went ahead with the downgrade.
The vehicle ahead is turning left, turning around or overtaking another vehicle ahead.
Aw hell, how am I going to keep you from reading ahead Lets go ahead with this chapter.
哎, 我怎样才能阻止你提前阅读呢?咱们继续这一篇吧。

单词 ahead 释义

  • 单词释义:在前面,向前;将来;事前,提前;占优势,领先  [更多..]



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