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单词 advent 例句大全,用单词advent造句:

One of the most important parts of that shift is the advent of cloud platforms
Since the advent of modern science, many wonderful discoveries have been made.
The advent of image age has brought many new topics for the study in education.
With the advent of globalization, the importance of national borders has decreased.
The important thing is that its advent has promoted the communications among people.
Television stations have expanded steadily with the advent of satellite broadcasting.
This sort of work would have been inconceivable before the advent of microprocessors.
Before the advent of the motorcar, an ancestor bred the best hackney carriage horses.
It was believed also that before the Messiah's advent, Elijah would personally appear.
With the advent and advance of IP multicast technology, multicast services are booming.
This is as sure as the first advent and derives a great measure of its certainty from it.
In recent years the island has become more accessible with the advent of flights to Socotra.
近年来随著航班的增设, 索科特拉岛的交通也愈来愈方便。
During the season of Advent on the churchcalendar, Christians around the world light candles.
在基督降临节期间, 全球的基督徒会点燃蜡烛。
Despite the advent of new information technologies, old political habits are difficult to discard.
It would appear that that time is now passed, with the advent of democracy and multiparty systems.
随着民主和多党制的到来, 这个时期似乎已经过去。
Otitis media was one of the major causes of intracranial infection before the advent of antibiotics.
在抗生素发明前, 中耳炎是颅内感染之主要来源
The advent of the Asian Games, protecting the environment from what I start, from the water to start!
亚运来临, 保护环境从我做起, 从水资源做起!
A couple of years ago May wrote a manifesto to alert the world to the advent of widespread encryption.
Since the advent of the Ming Dynasty Four Masterpieces, a number of research and academic point of view.
Take crural abrade medicine and skin allergy medicine to you can defer the advent of female menstruation?
Anguine grain also jumps sneaker face unexpectedly, also be in it seems that declare Xiaolong year advent.
In recent years more uses have been found for this material with the advent of mesopore activated carbon fiber.
with the advent of agriculture, for then man was faced with a real need to understand something about the seasons.
With regard to narrow passes, if you can occupy them first, let them be strongly garrisoned and await the advent of the enemy.
The advent of programmable, nanoscale machines will extend the Internet to things the size of molecules that can be injected under the skin, leading to Internet-enabled people.

单词 advent 释义

  • 单词释义:n.(尤指不寻常的人或事)出现,到来 (Advent)n. 基督降临 2降临节  [更多..]



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