May you and your adoring spouse have many more happy, healthy years together.
Adoring need creates a idol, every blood moving thing right and the like like the totem.
I have to admit adoring her now and then. The love is not steady resembling the cloud in the sky.
And her love life certainly seems on the up, judging by how openly adoring boyfriend Matt Kemp is.
而她在爱情上也是颇为得意, 和男友马特坎普很是恩爱。
The Psychology of Adoring Buddhism of the People in Dunhuang Area from the Inscriptions of Transcribing Sutras in the Northern Dynasties
As for the slapstick performances of all, cool Vergie Derman with her diminutive, adoring partner, Wayne Sleep, it has them rolling in the aisles.
说到身材颀长,一本正经的费吉 德曼和她的个子矮