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单词 airship 例句大全,用单词airship造句:

Modeling and control of buoyancy force regulating systems of unmanned autonomous airship
For example a vehicle which is less than the density of air, then it is a balloon or airship.
First, the airship must fly the Nanjing sky, this condition satisfied possibility is very big.
首先, 飞船必须飞到南京上空, 这个条件满足的可能性很大。
Function and Feature of Digital Aerial Photogrammetry System Based on Remote Controlled Airship
Probably only then two minutes, the helicopter already arrived at the airship touchdown target.
Longitudinal aerodynamic modeling and design of state observer for stratosphere verifying airship
Computer Visionbased Navigation and Predefined Track Following Control of a Small Robotic Airship.
Development of geographic information system technology and its application to an unmanned airship.
At that time the named progress numbers pilotless airship has overshot a hole in this space station.
Then the optimum control is depicted to design the altitude control system for a high altitude airship.
Recent development plan and research progress of stratospheric airship in USA are analyzed in this paper.
Research and Application on Measure and Keep Engine Rotational Speeds of the Airship with Double Engines.
Zhang Bainan said that the Shenzhou airship technology beginning is very high, project analysis arriving.
The airship fires off a few quick shots, blasting aside the two ships, sending them colliding into eachother.
一串速射击中了两架飞机的侧面, 使它们撞在一起。
It is not known how long the Zeppelin airship, themost efficient diamond explorer in history, will still beout.
After duty general headquarters decision replenishment stoff, selects machine the implementation airship launch.
在任务总指挥部决定加注火箭推进剂后, 择机实施飞船发射。
The effect of temperature distribution upon airship pressure decay leak testing and the optimized testing method
The most important issue of solving self navigate problem for a stratosphere airship is flight path programming.
The advanced availability of an airship is strongly related with the performances of the envelope marerials used.
Astronaut Jing Haipeng defends in the returns cabin value, and momentarily monitors the airship operating condition.
航天员景海鹏在返回舱值守, 并随时监控飞船运行工况。
Review of Research on Gas Retention Layer Material for Stratospheric Airship Envelope and Helium Permeation in Polymers
Application of Remoteoperated Airship Pulling Rope for Line Stringing Construction over Large Cross without Shipping Stoppage.
Weve seen in screenshots that some of these levels will take place aboard an airship, although I didnt get to play any of those.
截屏显示有些关会发生在一个飞艇上, 不过我还没玩到。

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