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单词 advice 例句大全,用单词advice造句:

This section contains advice on how to improve estimating efficiency and accuracy.
Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine her feeling of being adult.
These clinics initially focused on contraceptive advice and abortion prevention work.
I am submit the claim for damages in accordance with the advice of our legal adviser.
I'm ready to give any additional help or advice that may be needed and remain, Madam.
我乐于提供其它可能需要的帮助和建议, 顺此谨致小姐。
A copy of this advice with courier receipt shall accompany with each set of documents.
It was said of her:"Blessed are thou, and blessed is thy advice, O Abi-gail."
The incubators provide space, access to professional and technical advice, and management.
Morcerf appreciated the advice of Monte Cristo to let things die away of their own accord.
Principal Mak from North Shore advice about how to help your children succeed academically.
He was not at all daunted by this advice, considering himself quite an accomplished drinker.
NO LEGAL ADVICE The information provided on this web site is not intended to be legal advice.
They may need some additional inputs and advice on how to improve the management of their farms.
Providing clear, accurate advice on contractual arrangements during Invitation to Tender process.
为邀请招标过程中提供清晰, 正确的建议。
The best advice Remember common courtesy and act toward others as you want them to act toward you.
最好的建议别忘了通常的礼貌, 己所不欲勿施于人。
The information service offers young people practical advice on contraception, pregnancy and abortion.
Admonish implies the giving of advice or a warning so that a fault can be rectified or a danger avoided
Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice, take some additional time to consider your response.
偶很稀饭这句话滴, 经常在邮件里面对老外说, 嘻嘻。
Aaron talks with Stella Chow, Melourne cookery instruuctor, to give advice on how to prepare canned abalone.
温楚良跟刘妙龄谈访, 向大家介召如何泡制罐头鲍鱼。
The recipe to become rich is to follow the advice of those specialists and adhere to it all through their lives.
致富之道在于听取专业的意见, 并且终生奉行不渝。
So as to administer a shock and make him break out in a sweat, and then to give him sincere advice on getting treatment.
使患者为之一惊, 出一身汗, 然后好好地叫他们治疗。
The letters are addressed to Abigail Van Buren, one of the most influential sources of social advice in the United States.
The author humily requests present teachers'advice on the mistakes, which were made, because of her limited academic knowledge.
We have to be as gentle as a dove,take advice from everyone,and somehow cope when that advice contradicts other advice we are getting.
Sometimes a fool is able to give good advice to a person much wiser than himself because of some special knowledge he has. It implies that one should not ignore advice no matter from whom it comes.
愚者千率, 必有一得。

单词 advice 释义

  • 单词释义:劝告,忠告;建议  [更多..]



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