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单词 campaign 例句大全,用单词campaign造句:

The presidents advisers now candidly admit that she was poorly served by the campaign.
Unlike a single advertisement an ad campaign is an organized program of advertisements.
与单个广告不同, 系列广告是指一组组织好的广告活动。
The campaign against corruption and for clean government is sweeping across the country.
A few of them spoke of a previous adult literacy campaign into which they had been drawn.
An Account of the Land Reform Campaign in the Old Revolutionary Base Area of Western Fujian
Reduce the atmospheric pressure inside body, make abdominal muscle sufficient enlist campaign.
The campaign built important partnerships with the judiciary, media and the field of academics.
The secret police have been accused of a campaign of genocide against the immigrant population.
They worked to increase activism and donations to the Global Dracunculiasis Eradication Campaign.
Unless these requirements satisfied, it is impossible achieve quick decision in a campaign or battle.
不解决这些条件, 而求战役或战斗的速决, 是不可能的。
They work worked to increase activism and donations to the Global Dracunculiasis Eradication Campaign.
Doing away with the four pests is a big public health campaign and a campaign to destroy superstition.
Live From The Campaign Trail The Greatest Presidential Campaign Speeches Of The Twentieth Century And.
They worked to increase activism meant and donations to the Global Dracunculiasis Eradication Campaign.
To this day, the smallpox campaign is the only successful human disease eradication campaign in history.
截止今天, 天花是人类历史上唯一根除的疾病。
One of the most memorable occasions was when she laced into a speaker from the National Abortion Campaign.
the arguments and the instruments that each would need to campaign in his name by making his own campaign.
握在手里 用他的名义为他奔走
Without a good plan for the whole campaign it is absolutely impossible to fight a really good first battle.
没有好的全战役计划, 绝不能有真正好的第一仗。
Since the beginning of this summerHaier has waged a massive ad campaign to promote its airconditioner sales.
自今年夏初起, 海尔公司展开了空调促销的广告大站。
The first international social movement was the abolitionist campaign to do away with slavery and the slave trade.
Advancing Firmly the Education Campaign to Preserve the Advanced Nature of CPC Members in Colleges and Universities
He believes the ad campaign will eventually be successful and will have a positive cumulative effect on sales volume.
他相信广告运动终将成功, 销售量也会有逐步的显著的增长。
Sufficient deep breathing. Reduce the atmospheric pressure inside body, make abdominal muscle sufficient enlist campaign.
Apprehend the quality guideline and actively perform promoting campaign to improve the efficiency of communication within the organization.
Mr.Clinton campaigned with passion and seeming abandon, hoping that his campaign had now bottomed out after the furor over his draft history and was on the upswing.

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