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单词 cameo 例句大全,用单词cameo造句:

I even found time to play a little cameo in a french Canadian movie.
As many as 14 leaders from emerging powers will make cameo appearances.
A cameo shows the profile of a man that suggests the outline of his country.
One of Mainland's biggest actors, Sun Honglei, also makes a very brief cameo.
Gossip Girl! You know what Valery Liukin made a cameo appearance on the show!
RenownedChinese director, Chen Kaige has a cameo role in which western movie?
Renowned Chinese director, Chen Kaige has a cameo role in which western movie?
But there needs to be at least cameo visibility for this model in this century.
Cameo A diestamping process in which the lettering or design slants up in relief.
Schwarzenegger confirmed he would be making a cameo appearance in The Expendables.
Cameo A die stamping process in which the lettering or design slants up in relief.
The article suggests that the character will be limited to a cameo part in the film.
Even after the quirky but widely praised opening ceremony, with its cameo by the queen
奥运开幕式有点古怪但广受好评, 连女王都成了它的配角
I also spot Stone in a cameo I hadnt noticed before. Hes plays a moneyman, a financier.
我发现斯通也在里边露了脸, 扮演一个有钱的金融家。
This will be the episode where Olympic gold medalist Nastia Liukin will be making a cameo appearance.
在本集中奥运体操冠军柳金将闪亮登场, 客串演出。
When scrolling this new way, the bar makes a fleeting cameo appearance, though without the familiar arrows.
Jett Lucas had a similar cameo appearance in Attack of the Clones, as the young Padawan that Jocasta Nu tends to during the library scene.
在制片过程中, 角色的名字经过多次修改。
In 1991, the installed power generating capacity of Tibet reached 140, 000 kw and thewannual outputc of generated electricity cameo to 398eillion kwh.

单词 cameo 释义

  • 单词释义:石雕;浮雕;小品文  [更多..]



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