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单词 call 例句大全,用单词call造句:

We call on all States to accede to, and abide by, this Treaty.
There's a collect call for Jane Doe. Will you accept the call?
Let's call the game a draw. I'd hardly call him a good manager.
Can you hear me call, my call for only those birds in a cage it!
Seventeen congressmen were absent at the Congressional roll call.
I mean, you didn't make the call. yeah, but I supported the call.
Robots that some expected to be on call were conspicuously absent.
We call this the viscous term, and we call this the pressure term.
Mice that smell, call in a hurry, and call hem and haw two people.
两只老鼠叫嗅嗅, 叫匆匆, 还有叫哼哼和唧唧的两个小人。
You may as well call a cat a small tiger as call a tiger a big cat.
你可以称猫是小老虎, 也可以称老虎是大猫。
You may as well call a cat a little tiger as call a tiger a big cat.
The lively call look unripe brightness, jins call sedate and easy.
This is the call button. By pushing it your can call us at any time.
So? He's your husband. You should call him. You want me to call him?
然后哪?他是你丈夫 你应该打给他 要我帮你打吗?
We call this instance of injecting the energy, we call it sonication.
我们把这里注入能量 叫做声波降解法
We call upon them to immediately release the abducted Israeli soldier.
How does ability call an emaciated person to become some more healthy?
This had apparently affected the defendants'ability to call witnesses.
Especially do not call gasman box lunch, or call to repair you cloaca.
You may call him a genius, but you can not call him a man of character.
你可以称他是天才, 但不能说他有人格。
An attempt to make a call that is aborted by the person making the call.
Because we can't call people without wings angels, we call them friends.
I'd like to call them all up here, and they're going to call back to you.
我想請他們到這裡來 告訴大家
If he makes a Call in this moment, will it be considered as an STS Call ?
突然, 他被一群饿狼围住了。
Set automatically add speed dial for people I call and people who call me.
设置自动, 使通话双方可以快速拔号。

单词 call 释义

  • 单词释义:称呼;把…说成;喊,叫;打电话;召唤,召集;拜访,停留;取消(比赛等)  [更多..]



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