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单词 calf 例句大全,用单词calf造句:

With the gold Aaron made a golden calf and the people worshipped it as their god.
亚伦用这些金子作了一个金牛犊, 以色列人把它当神崇拜。
For my return, I sported an elastic bandage wrapped conspicuously around my calf.
So Aaron came to the altar and slaughtered the calf as a sin offering for himself.
The calf was born at the zoo to mother Thong Dee, a former Bangkok street elephant
这只小象的妈妈通迪, 以前是曼谷街象。
Trial of Feeding Calf on Mannan Oligosaccharides Mixing with other Biological Agent
Has the unique calf to rub pinches and the full bottom rolls the extrusion massage.
Unasked, the Tathagata becomes the refuge. The Buddha follows the world like a calf.
We're going to kill the fatted calf for Alfred when he comes back from his expedition.
阿尔弗雷德探险归来时, 我们打算热情款待他。
Aaron made the golden calf at Israel's request because the people rebelled against God.
The problem of the golden calf began with the prolonged absence of Moses from the camp.
Therefore most important reduces the calf plan, must hit the pine solid calf fat start.
Adult tucuxi dolphins have been seen trying to kill a newborn calf of their own species.
The carcass of calf killed by the jaguars that inhabit the native forest bordering a ranch.
Applied anatomy of the neurotomy of the muscular branches to gastrocnemius for calf reduction
No amount of sticking an awl in his calf or of shaking him up by a maid will do him any good.
Calf diphtheria, is characterized by bilateral necrosis of the mucous membrane of the larynx.
The researchers attention then turned to the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf to the heel.
于是, 研究人员将注意力转移到了跟腱。
Many researchers have tried to obtain a medium for growing antibodies that is free from calf serum.
His legs had been cut off between the ankle and calf, and his feet had been placed inside the casket.
他的腿从踝关节到小腿肚之间被锯断, 双足装在棺木内。
Like a calf dreads nothing, he is just undergoing the period when he isn't hesitant to do whatever he wants.
When those who were carrying the ark of the Lord had taken six steps, he sacrificed a bull and a fattened calf.
Two electronic rods in the back and calf support, the angle of backrest and legrest can be adjusted independently.
Tribological Properties and Tribochemistry of Articular Synovial Fluids Made of Physiological Saline and Calf Serum
As the saying goes"a baby calf is not afraid of a tiger". However, you should act according to your abilities.
Anatomical study of the muscaular branches of calf of the common peroneal nerve and its relationship with the neck of fibular

单词 calf 释义

  • 单词释义:牛犊;幼兽;小腿肚  [更多..]



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