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Jade is broken but remains white; a bamboo is burnt but retains knot.
What a neck but no head, arms but no hands, and a waist but no legs ?
什么东西有脖子但没有头, 有手臂但没有手, 有腰但没有脚?
But, accessing the internet is advantageous, but also has shortcoming.
可是, 上网是有利也有弊。
You'll be sedated, alert, but but it can be a really dangerous process.
你会被麻醉 监视 但手术会非常危险
But polls find many Croats feeling little but antipathy towards the EU.
But his attitude toward the Templeton Prize is nothing but commendable.
但是他对于坦普顿奖的态度, 却是值得钦佩的。
But, I don't know why Ben didn't pay you, but I drove back to the site.
But I've learned to follow the hunch, but never assume where it will go.
What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, tells but does not talk.
Somebody is alive, but he was dead; somebody died, but he is still alive.
Have grandiose aims but puny abilities, great ambition but little talent.
But I am not afraid, although I stupid, but it is, I will certainly trip!
Do not take anything away but photo, do not remain anything but footprint.
除了照片, 什么都别带走除了脚印, 什么都别留下。
But this banner of the flag face today is not the light blue but dark blue.
But after all, you are nothing but a child and there's lots of other beaux.
但是毕竟, 你只是个孩子, 还有许多别的男孩子可供你选择。
All but two are roses, all but two are daisies, and all but two are tulips.
Stay sober but pretend to be drunk, and stay awake but pretend to be asleep.
but also the area of the house is exactly the same, but much more comfortable.
Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time.
But, appeared again since period of time see things but not people circumstance.
But the significant thing is not the behavior of the players, but the spectator.
但重要的事不是运动员的行为, 而是观众。
I've sustained some real injuries, but I don't feel any pain anywhere, but heart.
我全身都受了伤, 但是我哪里都不感觉到痛, 只有心痛。
Last but not least, all kinds of athletics are for enjoyment but not for betting.
最后, 有各种体育博彩乐而不为。
But the significant thing is not the behaviour of the players. but the spectator.
但意味深长的倒不是运动员的行为, 而是观众的态度。
the calm, but alertness, the focus, but awareness, and being totally in the moment.
平静而又机敏 专注而又敏感 融入瞬间

单词 but 释义

  • 单词释义:但是,然而;只有  [更多..]



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