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单词 busy 例句大全,用单词busy造句:

Since it is nearly the end of the year, we are busy checking the accounts.
He had to rely on the busy schedules of Brooks and his busy grad students.
When the bees busy dancing in the flowers, the adults are busy in the land.
Parents are busy building careers and children are busy cramming for tests.
父母却忙于建立他们的事业, 而孩子们为了应考又挑灯夜读。
Lee zhi fu, Cao Cao, etc. They are also not neglect Shengtang busy ad litem.
Calm down and be polite, please, we are busy, please do not affect our work.
Up until that day, I had been too busy trying to survive my abusive marriage.
在那之前, 我一直都忙于维持争吵不断的婚姻。
I live on a half acre lot so now that summer is about here, I stay very busy.
Peaceful people, never to be haunted by a busy leisure tight in busy leisure.
In charge of both administration and economics, he is as busy as a bee every day.
It can let you forget affliction, belittle frustration, make you busy for future.
它能让你忘记痛苦, 轻视挫折, 让你为了明天而忙碌。
Thus, although on busy busy night, she spent a lot of time nursing their own skin.
因此虽然日忙夜忙, 她仍花了许多时间护理自己的肌肤。
Be busy doing be busy with Mr. Smith is busy translating a short story into French.
So every year, the advertising agency gets busy dreaming up its latest extravaganza.
Sometimes will think, you are so busy, can not certainly accompany me frequently too.
有时候也会想, 你这么忙, 肯定有很多时候是不能陪我的。
The Key Management Service is currently busy servicing another administrative request.
Small as the town is, it has a busy street. or Though small, the town boasts a busy street.
A scholar should keep the mind busy when at leisure, and maintain a relaxed state when busy.
The busy season is not prosperous, the active awkward silence starts to become the routine matter.
旺季不旺, 活动冷场就开始成为常事。
"Can you help me moving to my new place tomorrow?""I'm afraid not, I'm really busy!"
If you don't want to be involved in any sort of serious accident, look both ways before crossing busy roads.
Only those who take leisurely what the people of the world are busy about can be busy about what the people of the world take leisurely.
能闲世人之所忙者, 方能忙世人之所闲。
She graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music, having majored in accordion performance.She is now busy performing and teaching the accordion.
她毕业于中央音乐学院手风琴演奏专业, 演出教学工作繁忙。
Adults are busy putting scrolls of cloth in preparation for a sacrifice, but the children are still playing. They probably don't know what has happened.
Looking at the busy workers on the assembly lines, the general manager felt it was absolutely possible to accomplish the production plan by the end of the year.

单词 busy 释义

  • 单词释义:忙碌的;熙来攘往的;占线的;全神贯注的;杂乱的  [更多..]



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