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单词 cage 例句大全,用单词cage造句:

The evaluation of bone graft in the anterior cervical cage by bone scintigraphy.
One day, someone passed the cage and noticed that the word wasn't there anymore.
有一天, 有人经过囚笼, 发现小字眼不在了。
He was confined by the emperor, living like a fish in a pond or a bird in a cage.
The check seats are attached to the cage with a bayonet type locking arrangement.
Discussion of Atlantic Flounder Feeding Technique in net cage on the Southern Sea.
It has four lobes and fills the upper right side of the abdomen inside the rib cage.
The kidneys are located deep in our abdomen, beneath our rib cage, side of our spine.
肾脏位于腹部深处, 在骨性胸廓之下, 脊柱的两边。
Vibration analysis and vibration absorption design of cage of friction hoisting system
Fulllength figures of adults should normally be cropped at the bottom of the rib cage.
一个完整的成年人要裁的话, 通常应该被裁剪至肋骨底下。
Lyrics Running in a cage like freak beasts on a stage to acquire the honor of dishonor.
The 100 or so flats subdivided into cage homes are estimated to accommodate 5,000 people.
Cage full of birds a relief from anxiety which could come through a sizeable inheritance.
The 100 or so flats subdivided into cage homes are estimated to accommodate 5, 000 people.
Calculation on the swing angle of cage chair of machine tool when cutting spiral bevel gear
In breathing the chest muscles expand the rib cage and allow air to be sucked into the lungs.
With split spherical roller bearings, the inner ring, outer ring and cage assembly are split.
The Deformation of the Wire Cable about the Hoist with Double Cages and Cage Amplitude Analysis
Technical Analyses of Soft Ground Treatment by Use of Geogrid Reinforcement Cage Breakstone Piles
This type of hoist is operated without counterweight , has one cage , one ton capacity of the cage.
该型号施工升降机不配有对重, 双笼, 每笼载重为两吨。
Determination of Terminal Test Load of Brake Rope Parachute Gear for Cage Hoisting in Auxiliary Shaft
Noah kept going over to the bunny cage and looking in even sleeping in front of the door to the cage.
the end are a for you small stick the private, eat the small cage and do not be anxious, otherwise will burn.
最后给你一个小贴士, 吃小笼别心急, 否则会烫伤的。
Net cage and cement tank culture of common Atlantic octopus Octopus vulgaris in Nanji Island, Zhejiang Province
Analyses of Steel Reinforcement Cage Floating upward in Pile Foundation Construction and Some Preventive Measures
Clinical Outcome of Core Decompression in Combination with Allograft Threaded Cage Insertion for the Treatment of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head

单词 cage 释义

  • 单词释义:n.笼,槛,(矿井)贯笼  [更多..]



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