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单词 bureaucratic 例句大全,用单词bureaucratic造句:

Nowhere in Britain has bureaucratic centralization proceeded with more pace than in Scotland.
在英国, 官僚集权化发展最快的就是苏格兰了。
So it's closing the door on innovation by locking in a national, uniform bureaucratic system.
When confiscates the bureaucratic capital, a part of national capitals Confiscation and so on.
在没收官僚资本时, 把一部分民族资本没收等。
Andres is delayed by an endless series of bureaucratic checks and his message arrives too late.
Likewise, the most scathing attacks on the bureaucratic corporation come from corporate bosses.
oppose the bureaucratic doctrine, dictatorial doctrine, adventurous doctrine and tail doctrine.
Chapter four discusses the confluence of the bureaucratic group and social forces United States.
Chapter three discusses the bureaucratic group and the congressional entrustment of legislation.
The Soviet Unions Privileged Bureaucratic stratum experienced many different stages of development.
Private businessmen and even oligarchs complain about the lack of rules and bureaucratic extortion.
But, famously secretive and protective of its bureaucratic territory, it is likely to drag its feet.
但是, 基于官僚政治的隐密性和保护, 它可能遇到很多阻碍。
Mr. Suarez Thank you, mi amor. Youre so much better at dealing with this bureaucratic stuff than I am.
The excessive accumulation of bureaucratic capital would pose a negative effect on the national economy.
Measures to Confiscate Bureaucratic Capital and their Effects in Hubei early after the Founding of the PRC
Only when the profiteering officials are given severe punishment can bureaucratic profiteering be checked.
惟有严惩倒官, 才能刹住官倒
Blurred minds and incorrect values would definitely lead to popularization of the bureaucratic working style.
头脑不清, 价值观错位, 必然会导致官风盛行。
Bureaucratics is the thought, concept, theory and doctrine with regard to the research of bureaucratic system.
Bureaucratic organizations strain the use of rules, regulations, procedures, policies and hierarchal authority.
But their work is diminished by internal conflicts and bureaucratic lethargy, bred in part by outsized salaries.
By then, the imperial potteries were in the hands of court eunuchs enjoying a greatly increased bureaucratic reach.
那时, 宫廷瓷器掌握在宦官手里, 他们大幅增加了官用份额。
The bureaucratic capital is one of the main capital sources to help salt merchants gain fame and fortune in Qing Dynasty.
It will also endeavour to eliminate the administrative and bureaucratic obstacles that impede the private sector in this regard.
The life of the poet Shen Habitat bureaucratic aspirations blighted, and thus the the Shi implicit contradiction tangled his life.
诗人一生沉居下僚, 壮志难酬, 因而仕隐矛盾纠结其一生。

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