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单词 cabernet 例句大全,用单词cabernet造句:

He savors the last of his free glass of Chilean cabernet sauvignon as his son looks on with pride.
在孩子崇拜的目光中, 他喝完了最后一杯智利赤霞珠。
Maddalena Cabernet Sauvignon shows ripe red fruit, including raspberry, plum, and spicy black cherry.
Effect of different length of maternal branch pruned on development of grape variety Cabernet Sauvignon
So S. cerevisiae has an important influence on the aroma characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon dry wine.
Effects of different foliar fertilizers on fruit quality and storage nutrient of Cabernet Sauvignon grapevine
The nose displays attractive, strong, aromatic cabernet berry fruits with raspberry characters from the Merlot.
This Cabernet Sauvignon offers a delicious aroma fresh red cherries and sweet vanilla with a light herbal touch.
This cabernet sauvignon is a good example of the variety charcacter, showing at the same time strength and smoothness.
Effect of Different Secondary Shoot Treatments on the Production and Fruit Quality of Cabernet Sauvignon Grape Cultivar
And Cheval Blanc is kind of an unusual wine for Bordeaux in having a significant percentage of the Cabernet Franc grape.
它是极不寻常的波尔多红酒 主要用品丽珠葡萄酿成
It allows the expression of fruit from the grapes while reducing the potential for herbaceous characters in Cabernet Sauvignon.
A type of red wine, high in tannin and medium to full bodied with a distinctive flavour of blackcurrant. Also called Cabernet Sauvignon.

单词 cabernet 释义



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