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单词 bars 例句大全,用单词bars造句:

After a more thoughtful four bars ofp the soloist leaves the stage with a widespread arpeggio.
Is their an estblished schedule for the anode, buss bars and cables maintenance ?Is it current ?
是否建立阳极, 电镀条鱼电缆的维护计划?是否已经运行?
In the United States, the new battleground is in bars and pubs, places where young adults gather.
The Analysis on the Advantage and Disadvantage of Chinese Uneven Bars in the36 World Championship
The selection of initial excited frequency for the bars with different materials is also analyzed.
An endless array of culinary choices is available at our five stylish restaurants and trendy bars.
It appeared preferable to rent freight vessels at New York, and to load them with the iron in bars.
P The surface characteristics of ribbed bars shall be such to ensure adequate bond with the concrete.
The utility model relates to a pull wire annular tube formed by helical coiling of double steel bars.
The albino drew a pistol from his coat and aimed the barrel through the bars, directly at the curator.
他从外套中拔出手枪, 将枪管透过铁栏杆瞄准了馆长。
In order to resist the buoyancy more than60 prestressed anchor bars are used to connect the baseplate.
为抵抗地下水的浮力, 采用60多根预应力锚杆与底板相连接。
The typical steel bars in a beam are longitudinal reinforcement, bendup bars, stirrups and hanger bars.
After banana flay pound, roller oily agitate of Lan of half spoon Han bars even, besmear is on the face.
香蕉去皮捣烂后, 辊半匙撖榄油搅拦均匀, 涂在脸上。
The application of retaining pile combined with anchor bars of different length in deep excavation works
Determines whether scroll bars will automatically appear if controls are placed outside the form's client area.
Its like having the concrete reinforcement bars arrive after youve poured the cement foundation for your house.
这好比在盖房子时先灌注了水泥地基, 然后钢筋才到。
Stirring convex bars are arranged on the inner wall of the barrel body, and the cross sections thereof are conical.
桶体内壁上具有搅拌凸筋, 搅拌凸筋的横截面呈锥形。
The size of the slit is adjustable to meet the requirements of drawing the mandrel bars with different specifications.
All together there are20 shops and21 restaurants and bars, as well as auditoriums and theatres both indoors and outdoors.
Within an Australia Post address barcode, the bars are grouped in various ways to designate the numerical values 0, 1, 2 or 3.
And he overlaid the boards with gold, and made their rings of gold to be places for the bars, and overlaid the bars with gold.
Heat resistant tools, burners, household appliances, Kitchenware, sink covers, building exteriors, bolts, nuts, CD bars, meshes.
耐热炉具 火炉 家电部件 2类餐具水漕 装饰 螺钉螺母。
Analysis on Handstand by Sitting with Legs Apart and Rising Shoulder Slowly in Parallel Bars from Perspective of Sport Biomechanics
And five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the tabernacle for the sides westward.
While his audience is not always made up of prison inmates, he usually hopes the local Department of Corrections agrees to let him go behind bars when he visits a country.

单词 bars 释义

  • 单词释义:马上的齿龈;酒吧间( bar的名词复数 );售酒的(饮食)柜台;条;(门、窗等的)闩vi.  [更多..]



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