Clinical analysis of a collective ciguatoxin poisoning accident in a banquet
He regrets that he is unable to attend the banquet due to a prior engagement.
Merkel Obama also awarded to the state banquet Presidential Medal of Freedom.
The banquet was full of cordial and friendly atmosphere from beginning to end.
His impolite bahavior at the banquet reinforced his friends' repulsion on him.
It was used for Qing emperor and empress to appreciate operas and hold banquet.
The manager has left the arrangements for the banquet in his secretary's hands.
Uzziah brought him from assembly to his home where he gave a banquet for the elders.
Visitors are attracted a banquet of stone and pebble dishes designed by Chen Xinghong.
On the Affects of the Banquet Activities in the Late Yexia Period to the Jian'an Poetry
Tasting palace dumpling banquet in Le Garden , appreciating culture and history in XIAN.
品骊苑宫廷饺子宴, 赏西安文化与历史。
Two people in Taipei will be a five Stars Hotel banquet banquet, tentative hi 88 tables.
The band struck up welcoming music when the distinguished guests entered the banquet hall.
The Early Customs of Banquet of Mongolian People and the Development Course of Banquet Song
White House, East Hall, Green Room, Blue Room, Red followed by Office and adjacent banquet hall.
In the meantime, I d like to thank Under Secretary Commerce Glassman for attending this banquet.
同时, 我也要特别感谢美国商务部格拉斯曼副部长莅临晚宴。
Confronted with a tight budget, the company had to cancel their banquet and hold a small party instead.
But chroniclers of the time recorded that everyone enjoyed the event and the grand banquet that followed.
How should a civil servant handle the prize that he has won while attending a banquet in his official capacity?
No objection to someone else does not manage a small amount of alcohol consumption, not a banquet without wine Well!
One day, at a Banquet in honor of distinguished guests, Cao Bid Mi to work as a drummer, just to insult him for fun.
第二天, 曹操大宴宾客, 让祢衡击鼓取乐。
The waiter who is in charge of setting out the tableware for the banquet is a new-comer. No wonder you don't know him.
Sophie agreed to participate in the charity banquet, Yang redemption will be made up of the diamond brooch to the pupil.
柔答应参加慈善宴会, 更托言将杨赎回的钻石胸针交予瞳。
When they engage in a banquet or dinner party, wine is their adversary, putting them into the shoes of an angel or a devil.
应酬时, 酒是女人的敌人, 它把女人变成天使或魔鬼。
The small town banquet hall is not large enough to accommodate a large international gathering of the kind you are discussing.