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单词 ball 例句大全,用单词ball造句:

But must achieve this point, how can you probably learn to ball with the control ball.
而要做到这一点, 你就必须要学会如何传球和控制球。
A shot in billiards in which the cue ball contacts one object ball and then the other.
The aim of the game is to bounce the ball up the court and shoot the ball into the net.
Do not go beyond the Tee Line to drive a ball, collect the topped ball or offhand club.
严禁走到发球线外发球, 拾取击出的球或脱手的球杆。
It is intuitive that if the billiard ball hits the pingpong ball that it will continue.
Ball physics when the ball goes out of bounds or hit the net of the goal haeen improved.
The plastic ball ball is one kind hangs the quantity extremely light polystyrene pellet.
Move the ball with the mouse or let the simulation move the ball in four types of motion.
用滑鼠移动球, 或者让模拟在四类运动中移动球。
Much as a circus clown might perch atop a ball, the ballbots body stands atop the ball wheel.
圆球机器人站在球形轮上, 很像是马戏团小丑贴在球上。
Ball major production, stainless steel ball, Copper Balls, processing, and other commitments.
In general, WILLIAMSONs trunnion ball valve features the front ball sealing design structure.
This allows the player to put more backspin on the ball by cutting down and forward on the ball.
这样可选手可以通过往下往前切, 对球产生更多的回旋。
Research on Steel Ball High Explosive Projectile Using Steel and Tungsten Ball Composite Warhead
And we know the mass of the ball bearing, we know the radii of c1 the ball bearing, we know c1...
Ball Joint Handrails are composing of Ball Joint Stanchions, top rails, mid rails and kick plates.
A novel method on loading and adding balls in ball mill is established by accurate ball size theory.
The Asians mostly use the method of flying saucer. The flying saucer ball is also called pegtop ball.
亚洲人采用飞碟打法, 飞碟球也叫陀螺球。
Accordingly, the player does not search for the original ball walks directly toward his provisional ball.
The following chart shows the theoretical affect on the ball path from adjusting the rotation on the ball
High pressure ball valve floating ball valve installed in the system high turbulence of the float chamber.
The ball has been illegally returned to the backcourt when a player of the team in control of the live ball is
any of various games played with a ball in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each others goal.
The opposite effect happens on the other side of the ball, where the air travels slower relative to the centre of the ball.
The 37th minute, after Saisi Tucker aids Carlow Grewe passes a ball longrange, the ball is higher than the crossbeam slightly.
第37分钟, 塞斯塔克接应卡洛格鲁传球后远射, 球稍稍高出横梁。
The shear force reading of a ball bond must be correlated with its ball diameter for proper assessment of its ball shear strength.

单词 ball 释义

  • 单词释义:球(状物);舞会  [更多..]



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