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单词 balcony 例句大全,用单词balcony造句:

The Queen appeared with her family on the balcony of Buckingham palace.
A woman hangs clothes on the balcony of her bullet ridden apartment building.
一个妇女正在阳台上晾晒衣服, 她身后的公寓满是弹痕。
The balcony bound a piece of hammock, can offer the one languid afternoon lazy.
On the balcony, a man stood playing a trombone, the horn angled up into the air.
Scenic view balcony, multiple window design, unique den in small apartment, etc.
观景阳台, 多窗体设计, 特色小户型书房设计等。
Australia Yupeng, double landing balcony, where appropriate, to control sunlight.
I accidentally dropped my watch to the ground from the balcony on the third floor.
Scene Monica and Rachels, Chandler is smoking out on the balcony, Phoebe is absent.
场景莫妮卡和瑞秋住处, 钱德勒在阳台吸烟, 菲比不在。
If you have a balcony, establish if its okay for the smoker to smoke on the balcony.
Bairi can look at greenery blue sky in the balcony, night can admire lights sky by column.
白日可以在阳台远望绿树蓝天, 夜晚可以凭栏欣赏灯火星空。
House advocate design a concept Former balcony is too long and narrow, very disloyal with.
屋主的设计理念原先的阳台过于狭长, 非常不实用。
Accordingly, should make full use of and beautification balcony this one's own little world.
因此, 应该充分利用和美化阳台这块小天地。
But the auditorium is like a cinema, with the circle and the balcony isolated from the stage.
但礼堂像是电影院, 楼厅包厢与舞台分隔开来。
Still have sundry balcony fittings, can let the balcony become more beautiful, more practical.
还有各式各样的阳台配件, 可以让阳台变得更美, 更实用。
Elegant arched entrance, marble staircase, formal hall with balcony overlooking the GrandCanal.
礼堂以圆拱门 云石石级建成,可眺望大运河。
Nono 6 Of cooking range it is not OK to put a sign to hind the door of the balcony or backstairs.
The rain shelter on the window of the north balcony is broken; we should find someone to repair it.
A ball tossed by a child from a balcony hurtles through the air like a bullet, a blur barely visible.
孩子从阳台上扔出一个小球, 像子弹一样隐约不清。
Can be inside the balcony implantation a few potted flowers and trees, can view and admire already but sunshade.
Comfortable at dish box container, nacelle, tracery wall, window box and balcony help advance somebody's career.
Did not close the floor area of the balcony presses his the half of umbriferous area calculates periphery level.
You see, I live on the26th floor of my apartment building, and every morning I do my exercises out on my balcony.
Use as balcony metope adornment can choose dawdle stone, it is concave and convex and apparent, more adjacent and natural.
用作阳台墙面装饰可选用蘑菇石, 它凹凸明显, 更接近天然。
Due to the contradiction of sun protection and heat gaining of the balcony designing, the balcony extension shall be specified.
由于阳台设计中遮阳与得热的矛盾, 应该规范阳台进深尺寸。
But catchment of built on stilts of log area demand, general balcony is accomplished very hard as a result of conditional limitation.

单词 balcony 释义



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