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单词 bakelite 例句大全,用单词bakelite造句:

In truth, Bakelite - whose more chemically formal name is polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanliydrid--was just a harbinger of the age of plastics.
The equipment professional bakelite and the metals double whistle head, satisfy to give musical performance the demand of the different melody style.
Three years later, after filling laboratory books with page after page of failed experiments, Baekeland finally developed a material that he dubbed in his notebooks ' Bakelite'.
A 1924 Time cover story on Baekeland reported that those familiar with Bakelite's potential ' claim that in a few years it will be embodied in every mechanical facility of modern civilization'.

单词 bakelite 释义

  • 单词释义:酚醛塑料;人造树胶;胶木;电木  [更多..]



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