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单词 banal 例句大全,用单词banal造句:

They enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling.
Put like this it sounds banal, though actually it's heresy.
Chris banal advice was no help to us in solving our problem.
This is banal. But what is obvious is almost always hardest.
on this kind of universal, banal, common problem of sitting.
I have various banal symptoms which you can see for yourself.
It involves systematic yet banal design, and blunt reportage.
To give a deliberately artificial, vulgar, or banal quality to
TV game show hosts with their banal remarks and plastic smiles
语言陈腐, 笑容刻板的电视综艺节目主持人
The plot of the TV soap opera was so banal we didn't watch it.
这部电视肥皂剧得情节完全是老一套, 我们没有看。
Bland, banal music tinkled discreetly from hidden loudspeakers.
While they enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling,
music, verse, drama, etc that is banal, sentimental or hackneyed
平庸, 感伤或陈腐的音乐, 诗歌, 戏剧等
It was above all that our deliberations were banal or irrelevant.
His poems were either crystalline and profound, or slight and banal.
有的人认为他的诗通透深刻, 有的则认为他傲慢平庸。
The explanation is banal Young men have more strength and more to gain.
这个解释非常老调年轻人力量更大, 利益也更大。
All the same, its for the most banal reasons that sacrifice is celebrated.
依旧地, 因为这个陈腐的理由, 牺牲被庆祝。
This rage to understand, to fill in the blanks, only makes life more banal.
这种急于要理解, 要填空的冲动只会把生命变得更贫瘠。
They feel inhibited and afraid to address even the most banal issues directly.
即使在最普通的小事上他们也变得畏畏缩缩, 不敢张扬。
And rose above banal social and moral conventions to construct an authentic life.
Silicon Valley companies sit on a trove of data about our most banal daily pursuits.
Having deliberately artificial, vulgar, banal, or affectedly humorous qualities or style.
Such objects can include both the extraordinary and the mundane, the beautiful and banal.
这些事物或无与伦比的或平凡无奇, 或精致新颖或粗俗陈旧。
Today, it's hard to believe liberation or aesthetic renewal can lie in something so banal.
What once looked unwearable now seems ordinary, and what once seemed banal now looks right.
曾经似乎老套的衣服, 现在看来很合适。

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